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Yates County Cemetery Project
Part VII: Cemeteries in the town of Jerusalem

Durham Cemetery: Notes

Durham cemetery This is a small burying ground on private property that was once apparently larger than it is now. At present, all that remains is a short row of small uninscribed fieldstones and a footstone with initials.

The farm once belonged however to Benjamin Durham, whose family is otherwise unaccounted for. The compilers have suggested therefore that this may once have been their family ground. Benjamin Durham's first wife Elizabeth was the daughter of two steadfast members of the Society of Universal Friends; this may account for the uninscribed grave markers.

The cemetery is at the top of the bank in a clump of trees not too far from the road, but none of the stones is visible from the highway. The plot is usually referred to in earlier lists by the name of whoever the owner of the property was at the time the list was made, sometimes as the Decker place, the Max Parsons farm or the Howard Fox farm.


Durham Cemetery: Burials

--- --- m [One pair of uninscribed fieldstones]
--- --- m [One single uninscribed fieldstone]
Durham Benjamin #


Durham Elizabeth Daines # 1817 First wife of Benjamin Durham & daughter of Castle & Joanna Daines
Durham George # 1829 B1803
Durham Joanna # m B1809-1812; died young
Durham Mary K Bates # 1845 D ae 46, 2nd wife of Benjamin Durham
Folsten J C # m D ae 48
G--- F--- M --- m [Initials only]
McLaughlin James # m 1832

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