[Court records]  [Ex parte cases]

Yates County NY

County Court Records

Ex Parte Cases 1901 / - 1909

A 61-1 / James H. Allen 1901 / Margaret E. Ruf and Alexander D. Allen, Executors
A 69-1 / Eli Allison 1908 /Estate Petition
B 61-1 / William P. Bassett 1901 / Decrees for Payment of Money
B 61-1 / Irving Baker 1901 / Adoption Agreement and Order
B 61-1 / Herman S. Barnes 1901 / Exceptions
B 61-1 / Mary E. Banks 1901 / Order and Petition Notice
B 61-1 / James R. Bell 1901 / Letters Testamentary to W.B. Hunter
B 61-1 / James A. Belknap vs George R. Cornwell 1901 / Judgement Upon Debtor, Order Appointing Receiver & Bond
B 61-2 / Citizens Bank 1901 / Election of Directors
B 62-1 / Herman S. Barnes 1901 / Appeal Book, Probe of Last Will and Testament
B 62-3 //Dundee State Bank against Samuel Cook 1902 / Notice of Motion
B 62-4 /First National Bank 1902 / Petition, Reuben A. Scofield-Receiver, Order to Sell Judgement
B 63-1 / First National Bank 1902 / Order & Petition to Compromise Claim against Estate of John C. Scheetz
B 63-1 / First National Bank of Penn Yan 1902 / Transfer of Stock of Shipman Koal Company
B 63-1 / First National Bank 1902 / Authority to Sell a Piano
B 63-1 / First National Bank 1902 / Order & Petition  to Dispose of Books, Records, Papers
B 63-1 / First National Bank 1902 / Order & Petition to Compromise Indebtedness of Clarence T. Birkett (2)
B 63-1 / First National Bank   -Petitions and Orders 1902 / Against - Wheeler, Perkins, Robson, Gamby, Sutherland, Birkett, Knox
B 63-1 / First National Bank 1902 / Order to Compromise Certain Claims
B 63-2 / Board of Supervisors 1902 / Dog Registration - $1- Town of Milo
B 63-2 / William and Merle Barclay 1902 / Sell Realty, Contract Order and Petition to Sell Realty
B 65-2 / William S. Booth 1904 /Order to Discharge Mortgage
B 65-3 /Theodocia C. Baldwin 1904 /Transfer Legacy of Lewis B. Graham Estate to Robert H. Graham
B 66-3 /Delos A. Bellis 1905 /Memorial Resolution
B 66-3 /Edward F. Burke 1905 /Appointment of Guardian
B 67-1 / Charles W. Bidwell 1906 /Letters of Administration to Hawley N. & Luella E. Bidwell
B 67-1 / Percy Bartholomew 1906 /Guardian Bond
B 67-4 /Edward L. Bailey 1906 /Appeal and Protest of R. Bonner Swarts as Trustee
B 68-1 / Percy Bartholomew 1907 /Leave to Sell Realty, Proof & Referee Rpt, Orders, Petition, Agreement
B 68-2 / Hazel A. Blanchard 1907 /Adoption-Agreement, Consents and Order
B 69-1 / Dundee State Bank against Patience Lamont 1898 /Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, Plaintiff's Costs on Foreclosure
B 69-1 / First Baptist Church 1908 /Leave to Sell Realty, Order
B 69-1 / Vera Ester Brace 1908 /Order Allowing and Confirming Adoption, Petition, Consents, Agreements
B 69-1 / Francis Asbury Palmer Fund 1908 /Order Directing Sale, Sale of Realty
B 69-2 / Florence and Mabel Beerman 1908 /Adoption Order
B 69-2 / Tobitha Brace 1908 /Order Allowing and Confirming Adoption, Petition, Consents, Agreement
B 69-2 / Bertha Bergo 1908 /Agreement, Consent, and Order
B 70-1 / Bethel Free Baptist 1909 /Petition for Order to Sell Realty, Order Confirming Conveyance
B 70-1 / Simpson Buck and Wife 1909 /Mortgage:  Order to Show Cause, Order to Discharge, Petition, Discharge
B70-1 / Pauline and Lena Birkenbusch 1909 /Adoption and Name Change
C 61-1 / John Cornwell 1901 / Testamentary to Isabel B. Cornwell and Annie C. Brinkerhoff
C 62-1 / Agnes and Lucy Craugh 1902 / Order Discharging Guardian, Objections to Acct., Stipulation Settling Acct.
C 62-2 / Helen E. Crosby 1902 / Disposition of Realty
C 65-3 /Walter Francis Campbell 1904 /Order of Adoption
C 65-3 /Edith May Cook 1904 /Bond, Orders, Contract, Report, Agreement, Petition
C 65-3 /Henry Norris Carlin 1904 /Adoption
C 66-3 /W.W. Clark 1905 /Order for payment per diem allowance and expenses
C 66-4 /County Court 1905 /Oscar A. Harple against Albert Baxter
C 66-4 /County Court 1905 /Scott M. McConnell -Sale of Realty
C 66-5 /Charles B. Curtis 1905 /Final Order Awarding Possession, Removal of Tenant
C 67-1 / Ida L Connolly 1906 /Mortgage to Calista B. Phinney
C 67-1 / Laura Clawson 1906 /Adoption by James B. and Frances A. Clark
C 67-1 / George R. Curtis against John W. Hall 1906 /Debtor Judgment Order, Notice of Motion
C 67-1 / Solomon Crittenden 1906 /Realty Assessments on Estate, Memo of Decision, Order
C 67-4 /Solomon Crittenden 1906 /Myron Peckins named Executor of Will
C 69-2 / William Carter 1908 /Order for Paying Expenses
C 70-1 / Sarah J. Clark 1909 /William H. Hart named Executor
C 70-2 / Bradford Clawson 1909 /Evidence and Decree
D 61-2 / Hattie D. Dinehart 1901 / Leave to Sell Property
D 62-1 / Dresden Evergreen Cemetery 1902 / Leave to Sell Land
D 64-1 / Clarence B. Dunton 1903 /Sale of Realty, Orders of Confirmation & Conveyance, Reports, Agreement
D 65-4 /James Dinehart, Henry Best, John Carr, A.A. Adams, & E.B. Green 1904 /Laying out of Highway in the Towns of Potter and Middlesex
D 65-5 /James Dinehart, Henry Best, John Carr, Alden A. Adams & E.B. Green 1904 /Laying out of hwy in  towns of Middlesex & Potter, Order Appt. Commissioner
D 65-5 /Village of Dundee 1904 /Pet., Order, & Ansr  to compel RR's to erect gates or place flagman at crossing
D 66-3 /Frank C. Donley 1905 /Decision to lay out Highway, Town of Italy
D 67-3 /Nelson A. Damoth 1906 /Order awarding Possession
D 70-1 / Joel Dorman 1909 /Orders  to Discharge Mortgage
D 70-2 / Mariam Gertrude Dutcher 1909 /Adoption Petition and Consent, Agreement and Adoption
E 64-2 / Benjamin J. Egelston 1903 /Order & Cert., Application for laying out hwy, Twn of Jerusalem
E 68-1 / People vs Edward E. Evans 1907 /Affidavit, Comm. of Hwys, Order, Writ of Peremptory Mandamus, Notice of Motion
E 69-4 /Charles H. Eaton 1909 /Discharges of Mortgage
F 61-2 / Charles J. Fitch 1901 / Final Account, Order, Receipt, Order Releasing Undertaking of Committee
F 63-2 / Grace Leone Franks 1902 / Adoption Order
F 64-1 / Mabel Mary Foster 1903 /Adoption
F 65-2 / Theodore E. Foster and Alden A. Adams 1905 /Layout Highway, Town of Middlesex
F 65-3 /Ida I. Fish 1904 /Bankruptcy, Discharge of Judgement, Notice of Motion
F 66-3 /William and Mariah Foster 1903 /Discharge Record of Mortgage to Joseph H. Williams
F 66-4 /Martin Ferguson 1905 /Judicial Accounting of Estate
F 67-2 / Fran K. Ferguson 1906 /Order of Incompetence
F 67-2 / Marin Ferguson 1906 /Transfer of Realty, Final Decree
F 67-3 /William Jr. and Mariah Foster 1906 /Order Discharging Mortgage
F 69-2 / Stephen William Foster 1908 /Adoption Petition, Order of Adoption, Agreement of Adoption
G 63-2 / Viola Graham 1902 / Adoption
G 65-1 / Doris Goble 1903-1906 /Adoption, Inventory, Order of Confirmation, Guardian Bond
G 65-2 / Emma E. Gulick 1904 /Notice of Motion, Order to Discharge Certain Judgements
G 66-3 /Lyman W. Gage 1905 /Susan A. Gage named Executrix
G 67-1 / Oliver D. Goodrich 1906 /Power of Attorney Revocations
G 67-2 / George S. Goodrich 1906 /Receivership
G 67-2 / Naomi Gillett 1906 /Discharge of Mortgages  to Solomon Gillet, Order to Show Cause
G 70-1 / Mary Louise Gage 1909 /Adoption Order
G 70-2 / Charles H. and Vincent J. Gilligan 1909 /Sale of Realty, Petition, Order App.
Guardian and Referee, Report
G 70-2 / Sarah Sherman Griffiths 1909 /Order for Discharge of Mortgage, Petition, Affidavit and Proof of Pub.
H 62-2 / Oliver C. Harrington 1902 / Copy Letters of Administration
H 62-3 /Adelaide and Helen M. Hazard 1902 / Trustee's Bond, Petition, Order Appointing Trustee
H 64-3 /Pearl M. Hood 1903 /Order for Adoption, Consent of Foster Parents
H 64-3 /Adelaide C., Helen M., Grace C. and Edna K. Hazard 1903 /Orders, Notice, Acct. of Trustees, Appt. of Trustee for Estate
H 65-2 / Mary Hunter 1904 /Adoption
H 66-1 / Mitchell B. Keady and A.A. Harpending 1905 /Judgement Roll, Liquor Tax Law, Town of Starkey
H 67-2 / Oscar A. Harfle vs Albert Baxter 1906 /Monies Paid to Court
H 67-3 /Adelaide C., Helen M., Grace C. and Edna K. Hazard 1906 /Trust Estate
H 67-3 /James W. Hatch 1906 /Notice of Motion, Order
H 67-3 /Mary Hunter 1906 /Adoption
H 68-2 / Daniel Hayes 1907 /Probate of Heirship- Decree and Proofs
H 70-2 / C.F. Haight 1909 /Application to Alter and Discontinue Jerusalem Highway
H 70-3 /Fred S. Hiler 1909 /Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus
H 70-4 /Linda C. Hathaway 1909 /Discharge of Mortgage
J 62-4 /Dora, William, and Myrtle Jones 1902 / Bond, Sell Realty
J 68-2 / John G. Johnson 1907 /Claim of Ettie McKie, Memo of Decision
J 68-2 / Molly Johnson against John G. Johnson 1907 /Estate Claim-Memorandum of Decision
K 67-2 / Charles W. Kimball 1906 /Receivership, Receiver's Report, Order Discharging Receiver
K 68-2 / Augusta M. Kinner 1907 /Discharge of Mortgage, Order Discharging Mortgage, Order to Show Cause
L 61-2 / George H. Lapham 1901 / Order, Petitions, Decree
L 61-3 /Glen H. Loomis 1901 / Agreement to Sell Creamery Property
L 63-2 / Glen H. Loomis 1902 / Final Report of Guardian
L 64-4 /Franklin Leshure against Edwin Ketchum 1903 /Decision, Application for Writ of Certiorari, Order
L 66-3 /Elizabeth Lamphier 1905 /Appointment of Guardian
L 67-3 /Harvey Lund 1906 /Order Confirming Sale of Realty
L 67-4 /Glenn H. Loomis 1906 /Bond, Mortgage and Realty
L 70-3 /John A. and Victor E. Lafler 1908 /Orders, Reports, Bond, Contract, Testimony, Petition
M 61-3 /Theodore McCombs 1901 / Appeal for Expense Pay
M 61-3 /Scott W. McConnell 1901 / Petition, Order
M 61-3 /Town of Middlesex, School District #4 /1901 / Notice of Account, Order Allowing Account
M 61-3 /Henry Mothersill and Fred G. Dinehart 1901 / Appeal for Expense Pay
M 61-3 /John H. Miller  1901 / Notice of Motion
M 62-2 / Charles B. McKheun 1902 / Sale of Lands
M 62-2 / Hugh McGovern 1902 / Bond to Sell Land, Proceedings and Sale
M 62-3 /Loan Office Mortgage 189 /1902 / Order for Distribution of Surplus Monies, Order of Reference
M 62-4 /Lillian Bell Miller 1902 / Adoption Agreement
M 63-2 / Town of Middlesex 1902 / Railroad Commissioner's Appointment and Oath of Office
M 63-2 / Caroline Miller 1902 / Adoption Order
M 64-3 /Helen M. Matthews 1903 /Order for Adoption
M 64-5 /Joseph G. McConnell 1903 /Applic. to Layout Hwy, Twn of Italy, Notice of Motion, Cert of Commissioner
M 64-6 /Methodist Episcopal Church and Society of Branchport 1903 /Leaves to Sell Property
M 64-6 /Lillie Moon 1903 /Petition and Order of Adoption
M 65-5 /Stacey L. Millard 1904 /Discontinuance of Highway, Barrington
M 66-2 / Edward H. McAllister et al, Town of Potter 1905 /Order Denying Petition, Liquor Tax Law
M 66-3 /Metropolitan Surety Company 1905 /Referee's Report
M 67-3 /Levi Frederick Morrison 1906 /Adoption Agreement, Consent and Order
M 67-3 /Ann McAdams 1906 /Leave to Mortgage Realty
M 68-2 / Second Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Benton 1907 /Sale of Realty, Order Permitting Sale
M 69-3 /Mary Mansfield 1908 /Adoption Order, Consent and Agreement, Proof of Custody
M 69-3 /Dorothy E. McCullum 1908 /Order Allowing Adoption
M 70-3 /William Morrow 1909 /Adoption Consent and Order
M 70-4 /Phoebe M. Millspaugh 1909 /Order for Discharge of Mortgage, Order to Show Cause
N 64-6 /Minnie Neilson 1903 /Adoption Agreement
N 66-4 /Barbara A. Nilson 1905 /Alleged incompetent, Oath of Commissioners
N 68-3 /Charles R. Norman 1907 /Petition for Sale of Realty, Bond for Sale of Realty, Order Appt. Guardian
O 65-1 / Rachel and Ida Orr against Sue B. Hewson 1905 /Petition to Remove Tenant
O 66-4 /James O'Connor 1905 /Exemplification of Record
P 61-3 /First Presbyterian Church of Benton 1901 / Leave, Order &  Notice to Change name: Memorial Presbyterian Ch.-Bellona -
P 62-4 /James Franklin Pepper 1902 / Report, Orders, Sale of Realty, Bond, Petition
P 64-1 / Ada M. Plaisted against James C. and Goodspeed & David Miller 1903 /Order to Appoint Receiver, Order for Examination before Referee
P 67-2 / Third Presbyterian Society of Starkey 1906 /Petition for Order of Sale, Order Granting Leave to Sell
P 67-3 /First Presbyterian Church of Branchport 1907 /Order, Sale of Property
P 68-2 / First Presbyterian Church of Branchport 1907 /Petition-Sale of Property
P 69-2 / Municipal Board against Village of Penn Yan 1908 /Order Denying Writ of Mandamus; Opposing Affidavit
P 69-2 / Municipal Board vs Board of Trustees 1908 /Notice of Appearance Retainer, Decision, Order Grant. Motion to Dismiss Appointment
P 69-3 /John Wesley Payne 1908 /Executor's Certificate
P 70-3 /First Presbyterian Church of Dundee 1909 /Leave to Sell Realty, Order to Sell Realty
R 61-4 /Helen F.  Randolph 1901 / Dispos. & Sale of Realty, Agreement, Contract, Orders, Reports, Petition
R 61-4 /William Roe 1901 / Ltrs Testamentary to Mary R. Wisner, DeWitt C. Howell & Walter J. Conklin
R 63-2 / William H. Reansy 1902 / Mortgage Lands to Pay Debts
R 65-4 /Helen F. Randolph 1904 /Dispositions of Realty, Petition, Orders, Guardian Agreement
R 66-5 /Helen F. Randolph 1905 /Disposition of Realty, Order Appointing Referee, Petition, Guardian Bond
R 67-4 /Helen F. Randolph 1906 /Referee, Guardian and Final Reports, Dispositions of Realty
R 67-4 /Helen F. Randolph 1906 /Bond, Dispositions of Realty, Order
R 68-3 /Appoint Railroad Commissioners, Town of Middlesex 1907 /Petition and Order, Oath of Office, Undertaking Duties
R 68-3 /Bryan J. Remer 1907 /Orders for Discharge of Mortgage
R 68-3 /Mary M. Rowley 1907 /Exemplification of Record
R 69-4 /Ralph Wilbur Rhinehart 1908 /Order, Agreement for Adoption, Petition, Consent of Bert Rhinehart
R 70-4 /William Root 1909 /Order for Discharge of Mortgage
R 70-4 /Francis May Root 1909 /Order Allowing Adoption, Petition, Consents, Agreement
R 70-4 /Abraham Remer 1909 /Orders to Discharge Mortgage, Petition
S 61-2 / St. Michael's Church of Penn Yan 1901 / Orders Authorizing Mortgage
S 61-3 /Reuben A. Scofield 1901 / Petition and Order
S 63-2 / Hezza Jane Segar 1902 / Order and Report of Guardian
S 64-6 /Ella F. Sutherland 1903 /Order & Petition for  Directing Discharge of Mortgage
S 65-1 / John W. Strowbridge and William Lazenby 1904 /Petition and Order to Discharge Mortgage
S 65-3 /James Simons 1904 /Arhur I. Rose named Executor of Will
S 65-4 /Janet S. and Margaret F. Smith 1904 /Proceedings to Sell Realty
S 65-5 /Alexander, Margaret, William and Harriet Skinner 1904 /Bond, Orders, Petition for
Sale of Lands and Realty
S 66-4 /Robert G. Smith vs Thomas Robeson 1905 /William B. Schobey vs Thomas Henry Pile
S 66-5 /John S. Sheppard and Sarah F.S. Armstrong 1905 /Order for Examination
S 66-5 /Jemima E. Swarthout 1905 /Exemplified Record
S 66-5 /Eliza C. Slater 1905 /Disposition of Realty
S 67-4 /William B. Schobey vs Thomas Henry Pile 1906 /Petition
S 67-4 /Walter Sutherland 1906 /Judicial Settlement of Incompetent
S 68-4 /Samuel Joseph Sanderson 1907 /Leave, Disposition,  Reports, Agreement, Application, Petition, Orders,
S 69-3 /Clarence Stone 1908 /Orders, Report, Sale of Prop. Appt. of Special Guardian
S 69-4 /Laura May Sheffield 1908 /Adoption

S 70-1 / Henry Sherwood 1909 /Letters of Administration to Harry L. Sherwood
S 70-4 /Ophelia V. Shearman 1909 /Petition, Order to Show Cause
S 70-4 /Dorath Squires 1909 /Consent of Agreement
T 66-4 /Minnie Tims vs Penn Yan Village Assessors 1905 /Order, Return, Writ of Certiorari, Order of Sertiorari
T 67-4 /James Gardner Tears 1906 /Adoption Petition and Orders, Consents and Arguments
T 69-3 /Empire State Telephone & Telegraph against Wendell P. Hartshorn 1908 /Affidavit and Order for Examination
V 68-4 /Alice M. and Susie B. Valentine 1907 /Petition, Orders, Agreement, Report, Leave to Dispose, Invest. Of Proceeds
V 69-4 /Hazel A. Vosburgh 1908 /Agreement, Report, Application, Petition, Del. Of Deed, Appt. of Guardian
V 70-4 /Louis Versage 1909 /Complaint for Search Warrant
W 61-4 /William C. White 1901 / Draw Money Out of Court, Original Order
W 61-4 /Sarah L. Wolfe 1901 / Files and Orders
W 65-3 /Bertha Wood 1902 / Order of Adoption
W 66-5 /James E. White 1905 /Leave to draw money out of court
W 67-4 /James E. White 1906 /Order for Leave to Draw Money From Court
W 68-1 / E.D. Watkins against A.L. and W.A. Conklin 1907 /Referee Report, Examination, Orders to Show Cause
W 68-3 /Walter G. White 1907 /Leave to Draw Money From Court
W 70-4 /Hattie V. Wheeler 1909 /Sale of Realty
Y 62-4 /John Yost 1902 / Discharge of Bankruptcy
Y 66-4 /Yates County Supreme Court 1905 /Hiram Deming vs Charles F. Kindred
Y 66-4 /Yates County Supreme Court 1905 /John Leshure vs Charles Leshure