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Yates County Cemetery Project
Part I: Cemeteries in the town of Benton


Haight cemetery

This cemetery once held many more stones than it does now. Only Maria Haight's grave is still marked, though the size of the area makes it clear she was not always alone here. It is unknown whether the other markers were moved to another cemetery.

The plot is on private property, in a two-acre woodlot about a quarter-mile from the road. It is overgrown and unmaintained, and has been in its present condition for many years.

The farm was owned by Harland Humphrey when an earlier reading was made, and it is sometimes called by that name on lists.




---- ----m[Base only; no stone found]
---- ----m[Broken marble stone]
Haight Maria T.1837 May 26D ae 29/4/15; wife of John A. Haight [broken stone]

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