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Yates County Cemetery Project
Part XII: Lakeview Cemetery, Penn Yan

Purchase 3 West: Notes

Purchase 3 West Purchase 3 West is, as its name implies, the western part of the third purchase made by the village in 1909. It is much smaller than the part of Purchase 3 that lies east of the Chapel lot, but it contains the large Soldiers' Plot in its southwestern corner. Here too are the graves of a great many of the first wave of Danish immigrants who came into the county around the turn of the 20th century.

If recorded, the entries below give the section and lot numbers. Section 1 has no recorded burials; Section 2 is the small island to the north (right) in the sketch map at left, mostly laid out as single graves in numbered plots. Sections 3 and 4 are in the larger island adjacent to Purchase 2.

To see a map of Purchase 3 West, sections 3 and 4 and the Soldier's plot, click the icon below left.
To see a map of Purchase 3 West, section 2, click the icon below right.

Both maps are large PDFs, updated to 1920. The lots' owners will have changed, but not their numbers.

Purchase 3 West, Main partPurchase 3 West, northwest section

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Purchase 3 West: Burials

---- ----
[Unknown burial in W2:186; Martin Wigden lot]
Alexander Howard 1918 B1894 [W3:175; Warren E. Gridley lot]
Alexander Maurice V. 1988 B1916 [W3:175; Warren E. Gridley lot]
Alexander Mildred # 1994 B1994 [W4:19; Geo. Hankinson lot]
Alexander Rose [Elizabeth] Starkweather 1978 B1914 wife of Maurice V. Alexander [W3:175; Warren E. Gridley lot]
Ames Roland L. 1964 Aug 28 B1910 Dec 11; WWII: NY, tec/5, Headquarters Co., 66th Armored Regiment [Soldiers Plot: 19]
Amsbury Mary # 1901 B1820
Amsbury Richard # 1896 B1826
Andersen Andrew 1910 B1846 [W2:125; Mrs. Sine Anderson lot]
Andersen Chris P. 1978 B1889 [W2:201; Chris P. Andersen lot]
Andersen Hannah [Neilsen] 1904 [Sep 24] B1858 [in Denmark, daughter of Horace & Melina Neilsen & wife of Chris Andersen] [W2:160; Chris Anderson lot]
Andersen Maren K. 1925 Aug 8 B1833 May 27 [W2:160; Chris Anderson lot]
Andersen Marie J. 1937 B1888, wife of Chris P. Andersen [W3:201; Chris P. Andersen lot]
Andersen Sine
B1849, wife of Andrew Andersen [W2:125; Mrs. Sine Anderson lot]
Anderson Charles A[nthony] 1909 B1858 [W3: 109; Josephine Andersen lot]
Anderson Chresten 1891 Aug 11 B1859 Jan 7; "Brother" [son of Mads & Maria Anderson] [W2:181; Kristin Andersen lot]
Anderson Christian P. # 1928 B1869 [W2:160; Chris Anderson lot]
Anderson Erik G. 1988 Jun 10 B1910 Jan 30 [W4:K; Mrs. Chas Carr lot]
Anderson Florence T. # 1959 B1895 [W2:160; Chris Anderson lot]
Anderson John T[homas] 1945 May 9 B1906 Feb 9; NY, cpl., 28th Infantry [Soldiers Plot: 4]
Anderson Josie [Josephine A.] 1927 B1873 [W3:109; Josephine Andersen lot]
Anderson Kathryn Carr
B1915 Sep 19 [wife of Erik G. Anderson] [W4:K; Mrs. Chas Carr lot]
Anderson Leona 1916 B1904 [W3:109; Josephine Andersen lot]
Anderson Sophus # 1913 B1891 [W2:160; Chris Anderson lot]
Andrews A[ndrew] D. [1911] [B1842] Civil War: Co. C, 157th NY [Soldiers Plot: 2D]
Antonsen John 1953 Sep 28 B1895 Dec 19; WWI: cook, Provost Guard Co. [Soldiers Plot: 4H]
Athawes Ambrose # 1931 B1844 [W2:124; Ambrose Athawes lot]
Athawes Jemima [Eagles] 1910 B1846 [wife of Ambrose Athawes] [W2:124; Ambrose Athawes lot]
Atkinson Ellen M. 1932 B1852 [W2:125; Mrs. Ellen Atkinson lot]
Atkinson W. Raymond 1913 [Jan 1] B1890 [died age 22/10/13, son of William J. & Ellen Wilkins Atkinson] [W2:125; Mrs. Ellen Atkinson lot]
[Austin] Albert 1915 B1873 [W3:135; Kate Sisson lot]
Austin G[eorge] W. [1902] [B1832] Civil War: Co. D, 194th NY [W2:121; Mary Austin lot]
Austin Katherine [Sisson] 1933 B1875 [W3:135; Kate Sisson lot]
Austin Mary E. Stettler # 1911 B1833 [wife of George W. Austin] [W2:121; Mary Austin lot]
Austin William L. # 1901 B1831 [W2:93; Mrs. Wm Austin lot]
Babcock Anna I. 1907 B1906 [W3:154; Chester O. Babcock lot]
Babcock Chester O. 1920 B1845 [W3:154; Chester O. Babcock lot]
Babcock M[ary] Elizabeth 1940 B1851 [W3:154; Chester O. Babcock lot]
Babcock Theodore C. 1913 B1878 [W3:154; Chester O. Babcock lot]
Bailey Alice [Hand] 1908 B1856 [W2:123; Mrs. John A. Bailey lot]
Bailey Arlene # 1933 B1933 [W3:107; Mrs. Myrtle Wilson lot]
Bailey Cora May # 1887 Jul 4 Died age 2 months in Penn Yan, daughter of John & Alice Bailey [town record]
Bailey George S. 1917 [B1847] [W3:107; Minnie L. Bailey / Ambrose Athawes lot]
Bailey J[ohn] A. [1905] [B1849] Civil War: Battery G, 14th NY Artillery [Soldiers Plot: 114]
Bain Effie J. 1913 B1861 [W2:181; Reuben Bain lot]
Bain Reuben
B1861 [W2:181; Reuben Bain lot]
Baker Arthur # 1928 B1869 [W3:157; Arthur Baker lot]
Baker Catherine Conklin # 1920 B1882 [no marker] [W3:157; Arthur Baker lot]
Baker Thelma # 1923 B1905 [W3:157; Arthur Baker lot]
Baldwin Burt 1942 May 25 [B1884] NY, Coastal Artillery Corps [Soldiers Plot: 17]
Baldwin Edith Minnie # 1913 Sep 16 Died age 1/1/19 in Milo, daughter of Burt & Mabel Baldwin [W2:104; Bert Baldwin lot]
Baldwin Emma [Dutcher] 1918 B1863 [W2:95; Emma D. Baldwin lot]
Baldwin Lawrence A. 1973 May 10 B1911 Jan 13; WWII: NY, cpl., U.S. Army [Soldiers Plot: 9]
Ball Charles 1912 Jun 13 Died age 37 [monument; W2:103; James Ball lot]
Ball Elizabeth [Turner] 1906 Nov 13 Died age 61 [in Milo] wife of James Ball [& daughter of William & Mary H. Turner] [monument; W2:103; James Ball lot]
Ball James 1916 Jul 30 Died age 71 [monument; W2:103; James Ball lot]
Bancroft D[ennis] N. 1924 B1855 [W3:170; Isaac Crosby lot]
Bancroft Jessie 1934 B1863 [W3:170; Isaac Crosby lot]
Barber Carrie [Pelton] 1908 Sep 22 B1848 Jun 4, wife of William S. Barber [W2:139; Louis D. Schauble lot]
Barber William [S.] 1911 Apr 23 B1844 Jun 15; Civil War: Co. H, 24th NY Cavalry [W2:139; Louis D. Schauble lot]
Barfoot Rhoda C[hurchill] 1967 B1906 [W3:153; Chas Churchill lot]
Barrett Fred S. 1902 B1860 [monument; W2:101; Mrs. Ida Barrett lot]
Barrett Ida J. 1936 B1861 [wife of Fred S. Barrett] [monument; W2:101; Mrs. Ida Barrett lot]
Barrett John W. 1914 B1833 [W2:101; John W. Barrett lot]
Barrett Mary A. # 1993 B1924 [W3:174-175; Mary A. Barrett lot]
Barrett Minnie M. 1968 B1888 [monument; W2:101; Mrs. Ida Barrett lot]
Barrett Ruth Ann [Millspaugh] 1913 B1835, wife of John W. Barrett [W2:101; John W. Barrett lot]
Barringer Catherine Cronk # 1908 B1839 [wife of William H. Barringer] [W2:158; Mrs. W. H. Barringer lot]
Barringer William H. # 1920 B1836 [W2:158; Mrs. W. H. Barringer lot]
Bassett Ada Bell
Daughter of Isaac & Polly Bassett
Baxter Isabelle Trenchard 1959 B1881 [W3:108; Fred D.  Trenchard lot]
Beach Anna L. Newby # 1976 B1892 [W4:43; Willard S. Newby lot]
Beach Arlene 1957 B1917 [daughter of Anna L. Newby Beach] [W4:43; Willard S. Newby lot]
Beal Mary E. # 1932 B1854 [W2:103; Mrs. Elizabeth Wells lot]
Beardsley William # 1895 B1894 [W2:183; Fred C. Beardsley lot]
Beebe Alice # 1905 B1850 [wife of J. Frank Beebe] [W2:185; J. Frank Beebe lot]
Beebe Georgianna Bogart # 1906 B1850 [W2:98A; Robert Beebe Jr. lot]
Beebe infant # 1921 [W2:177; Geo. Beebe lot]
Beebe John F[rank] [1910] [B1844] Civil War: Co. D, 194th NY [W2:185; J. Frank Beebe lot]
Beebe Mary Barrett # 1913 Nov 20 Died age 70/16 days, daughter of Hiram & Anna Kirkham Barrett [W2:177; Geo. Beebe lot]
Beebe Robert H. # 1899 B1898 [W2:98A: Robert Beebe Jr. lot]
Beebe Robert R. # 1909 B1844 [W2:98A; Robert Beebe Jr. lot]
[Bell] Bertha 1942 B1873 [W4:58; Geo. S. Bell lot]
Bell Fannie Louisa 1948 B1888 [monument; W3:112; Rosa A. Bell lot]
Bell George H. 1917 B1842 [monument; W3:112; Rosa A. Bell lot]
Bell George S. 1918 Sep 10 B1842 Sep 16; Civil War: Co. H, 58th NY National Guard Service [W4:58; Geo. S. Bell lot]
[Bell] J. Allen 1962 B1879 [W4:58; Geo. S. Bell lot]
[Bell] Marie [L.] 1961 B1877 [W4:58; Geo. S. Bell lot]
Bell Rosa A. Shaver 1926 B1854, wife of George H. Bell [monument; W3:112; Rosa A. Bell lot]
Bell Susan H. [Dunning] 1919 B1844, wife of George S. Bell [W4:58; Geo. S. Bell lot]
Bellis Bernice E. 1925 B1923 [monument; W2:202; Delos A. Bellis lot]
Bellis Delos A. 1960 B1884 [monument; W2:202; Delos A. Bellis lot]
Bellis Eva L. [Price] 1941 B1891 [monument; W2:202; Delos A. Bellis lot]
Belt Elizabeth [Johnson] 1907 Jun 1 B1834 Mar 30 [same stone as Hannah Johnson] [W3:112; Mrs. Elizabeth Belt lot]
Belt John F. # 1887 Jun 8 Died age 49/7 in Penn Yan, son of John & Lucy Nelson Belt [town record]
Benedict Fern [1945] [B1877] [Spanish American War:] cpl., Minnesota Infantry [W3:156; Susan E. Losey lot]
Benedict George Wesley 1918 Oct 3 [B1901; WWI:] NY, Supply Sgt., 3rd Corps Artillery Park [W3:156; Susan E. Losey lot]
Benedict Minnie A. [Losey] 1918 Apr 29 B1874 Jun 22 [W3:156; Susan E. Losey lot]
Benedict Nellie M. # 1916 B1844 [W4:7; Chas H. Benedict lot]
Benjamin Charles [J.] [1916] [B1837] Civil War: Co. H, 67th NY [W3:90; Anna Johnson lot]
Benjamin Harriet [Matthews] 1918 B1846 [W3:90; Anna Johnson lot]
Bennett Arthur E. 1908 B1891 [W2:97; John W. Dewitt lot]
Bennett Asahel [1875] [B1823] Civil War: Co. B, 105th NY [Soldiers Plot: 1Q]
Bennett Kenneth J. 1973 Oct 4 B1911 Dec 15; WWII: NY, U.S. Army [Soldiers Plot: 9]
Bennett N. M.
Civil War: Co. I, 1st NY Veteran Cavalry [Soldiers Plot]
Bentley Clarence [D.] 1936 [B1860] [W3:134; Chas D. Bentley lot]
Bentley Eloise G. # 1914 B1914 [W3:134; Chas D. Bentley lot]
Bentley Gertrude 1962 [Same stone as Clarence Bentley; W3:134; Chas D. Bentley lot]
Bentley William Wallace # 1903 Aug 18 Died age 76/8/16 in Penn Yan, born in Pa., son of Bethel & Mary Lounsbury Bentley [town record]
Billson Mary L. Hiscock # 1914 B1868 [W2:119; Walter Billson lot]
Birkrugen Theodore A. # 1947 B1877 [W4:62; L. Warren Rogers lot]
Bishop Elwin J. # 1996 B1921 [W3:171; Isaac Crosby lot]
Bishop Maude E. Rector # 1913 B1883 [W2:123; Andrew Madison Rector lot]
Bishop Virginia #
[W3:171; Isaac Crosby lot]
Bixby John D. # 1904 B1839 [W2:184; Mrs. Bessie Bixby lot]
Bland Eliza J. 1907 B1835 [W2:161; Solomon H. Peters lot]
Blauvelt David S. [1912] [B1841] Civil War: Co. E, 86th NY [Soldiers Plot: 2L]
Blauvelt Hannah L. 1936 B1860 [W3:190; Geo F. Foote lot]
Blodgett Case W. # 1922 B1858; [W4:1; Mrs. Case W. Blodgett lot]
Blodgett Ella # 1947 B1871 [W4:1; Mrs. Case W. Blodgett lot]
Bodine Charles N. Sr. 2005 B1919 [W3:136; Chas Bodine lot]
Bodine Dorothy H.
B1923 [wife of Charles N. Bodine Sr.] [W3:136; Chas Bodine lot]
Bohall Ann # 1901 B1831 [W2:94; Chas Bohall lot]
Bohall Emily Gibson # 1902 May 24 Died age 49/9/20 in Penn Yan, daughter of R. K. & Julia Gibson; niece of Miss Ann Bohall [town record]
Bossuot Edmund D. 1976 Aug 12 B1893 May 9; WWI: U.S. Army [Soldiers Plot: 22]
Brace Percy A. # 1918 B1898 [W4:7; Mrs. William Abel lot]
Brainard Helen Lewis # 1897 B1858 [W2:184; Wm B. Brainard lot]
Bridges James 1954 Apr 9 B1922 Nov 25; WWII: NY, Medical Detail, 370th Infantry [Soldiers Plot: 4F]
Bridgman Bruce 1912 B1909 [son of Perl Bridgman] [W3; 226; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Bridgman Cora M. 19[66] B1873 [W3; 226; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Bridgman Edwin P. 1920 B1866 [W3; 226; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Bridgman Julia 1948 B1870 [W3; 226; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Bridgman Luta 1941 B1867 [W3; 226; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Bridgman Mary 1948 B1868 [W3; 226; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Bridgman Perl H. 19[67] B1875 [W3; 226; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Briggs Jennie C[arroll] 1923 B1854, wife of Seward Briggs [W3:133; Mrs. Jennie C. Briggs lot]
Briggs Seward H. 1917 B1852 [W3:133; Mrs. Jennie C. Briggs lot]
Brink David I. # 1987 B1920 [W2:160; Chris Andersen lot]
Brink David Jr. # 1943 B1943 [W2:160; Chris Andersen lot]
Bristow Robert # 1908 B1849 [W2:124; Ed J. Bristow lot]
Brown Anna M. 1923 B1871 [monument; W3:151; Wm H. Brown lot]
Brown baby 1916 [W4:45; George Brown lot]
Brown Bessie Irene 1904 Aug 9 Died age 9, daughter of Evert & Mary Brown [W2:120; Everett U. Brown lot]
Brown Bettie M. # 1913 B1862 [W3:151; Wm H. Brown lot]
Brown Carrie B. 1906 May 8 B1877 Oct 24, wife of Leroy W. Brown [monument; W2:99; Leroy W. Brown lot]
Brown Charles B. 1907 Sep 11 B1851 Aug 22 [monument; W2:99; Mrs. Fannie A. Brown lot]
Brown Delancey T. #
[W4:62; L. Warren Rogers lot]
Brown Emma C. Lloyd [1916] [B1844] wife of John F. Brown [W2:101; Clara B. Dean lot]
Brown Ethel L. 1914 B1892 [W2:186; Martin Wigden lot]
Brown Evert U. 1961 B1866 [W2:120; Everett U. Brown lot]
Brown Fannie A. 1912 Jan 25 B1852 May 3, wife of Chas B. Brown [monument; W2:99; Mrs. Fannie A. Brown lot]
Brown Frank # 1943 B1867 [Rosalie Brown lot]
Brown Henry [Harrison] 1892 Aug 25 Died age 65 [W2:162; Reuben H. Brown lot]
Brown J. Warren 1885 B1826 [Rosalie Brown lot]
Brown James F. 1916 B1863 [W3:127; Katie Brown lot]
Brown Jessie MacKay 1891 B1844 [wife of John Brown] [W4:37; John Brown lot]
Brown John A., Lieut. 1899 B1835; Civil War: 1st Lieut., Co. A, 50th NY Engineers [W4:37; John Brown lot]
Brown John F. 1901 Jun 19 Died age 61; Civil War: Co. M, 4th Michigan Cavalry [W2:101; Mrs. John F. Brown lot]
Brown Josiah 1984 B1904 [W3:127; Katie Brown lot]
Brown Kattie B. 1939 B1877 [W3:127; Katie Brown lot]
Brown Laura # 1916 B1911 [W4:45; George Brown lot]
Brown Leroy W. 1935 B1876 [monument; W2:99; Leroy W. Brown lot]
Brown Lottie S. 1972 B1875 [wife of Morris H. Brown] [W3:149; Mrs. Lottie Brown lot]
Brown Louisa Jane 1978 B1878 [wife of Oliver G. Brown] [W4:45; George Brown lot]
Brown Louise H. 1928 B1866 [adjacent to Gladys Rogers] [W4:62; L. Warren Rogers lot]
Brown Maria E. # 1908 B1824 [W2:162; Harrison H. Brown lot]
Brown Mary Eugene Smith 1911 Jun 30 Died age 41, wife of Evert Brown [W2:120; U. Everett Brown lot]
Brown Morris H. 1942 B1880 [W3;149; Mrs. Lottie Brown lot]
Brown Olive 1915 B1886 [W4:45; George Brown lot]
Brown Oliver George 1969 B1882 [W4:45; George Brown lot]
Brown Orline M.
B1925 [wife of Josiah Brown] [W3:127; Katie Brown lot]
Brown Rettie M. 1913 B1862, wife of William H. Brown [monument; W3:151; Wm H. Brown lot]
Brown Vernon # 1930 B1891 [W3:151; Wm H. Brown lot]
Brown Wilhelmina # 1926 B1906 [W4:45; George Brown lot]
Brown William A. # 1910 B1909 [W4:45; George Brown lot]
Brown William H. 1924 B1863 [Indian Wars] [monument; W3:151; Wm H. Brown lot]
Bruce Charlie S. 1888 Jul 25 B1886 Jul 6, son of [Roy R.] & [Helen V. Bridgman] Bruce [stone very worn; W3:227; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Bruce George Lee # 1907 B1892 [W2:142; Thomas J. Vanhouter lot]
Bruce Helen V. [Bridgman] 1933 B1859 [wife of Roy A. Bruce] [W3:117; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Bruce Roy A. 1941 B1854 [W3:227; Bridgman Brothers & Sisters lot]
Brunskill Albert # 1935 B1877 [W3:172; Thomas, Bert & L. J. Brunskill lot]
Brunskill Catherine 1939 B1852 [wife of Catherine Brunskill] [W3:172; Thomas, Bert & L. J. Brunskill lot]
Brunskill Leslie J. 1919 B1887 [W3:172; Thomas, Bert & L. J. Brunskill lot]
[Brunskill] Maud Diane 1915 B1881 [W3:172; Thomas, Bert & L. J. Brunskill lot]
Brunskill Thomas [1943] B1854 [W3:172; Thomas, Bert & L. J. Brunskill lot]
[Buckalew] Edward [C.] 1922 B1856 [W2:94; Mrs. Elizabeth Buckalew lot]
[Buckalew] Ida Mae 1904 B1881 [W2:94; Mrs. Elizabeth Buckalew lot]
[Buckalew?] Lizzie A.
B1858 [W2:94; Mrs. Elizabeth Buckalew lot]
Buckle Annie 1949 Dec 18 B1864 Apr 7, wife of Thomas Buckle [W2:104; Mrs. Anna Buckle lot]
Buckle Arthur H. 1973 Oct 4 B1895 Aug 20; WWI: U.S. Army [W2:104; Mrs. Anna Buckle lot]
Buckle Thomas 1910 Apr 21 B1862 Jan 11 [W2:104; Mrs. Anna Buckle lot]
Buckley John K. # 1945 B1864 [W4:62; L. Warren Rogers lot]
Burch Catharine 1897 Jun 27 Died age 63 wife of George Burch [W2:141; George Burch lot]
Burch George [1904] [B1822] Civil War: Co. A, 126th NY [W2:141; George Burch lot]
Burnett Electa B. Hopkins 1928 B1846, wife of Robert Burnett [W3:89; Mrs. E. H. Goodman lot]
Burnett Robert 1916 B1841; Civil War: Co. A, 40th NY [& Co. E, 101st NY] [W3:89; Mrs. E. H. Goodman lot]
Burnham Giles [1943] B1859 [W4:E; Giles Burnham lot]
Burnham Janet Dick 1902 B1860, wife of Giles Burnham [W4:E; Giles Burnham lot]
Burt Howard C. 1972 B1885 [W3:171; Isaac Crosby lot]
Burt Louise 1977 B1886 [wife of Howard C. Burt] [W3:171; Isaac Crosby lot]
[Bush?] ----
"Mother" [Flora T. Bush lot]
Bush Austin P. 1900 B1855 [monument; W4:28; Flora T. Bush lot]
Bushnell Anna [S.] 1929 B1860 [W4:8; Bushnell & Smith lot]
Bushnell Stephen G. 1938 B1851 [W4:8; Bushnell & Smith lot]
[Butcher] Carrie [M.] 1955 B1874 [W3:188; Mrs. Wm Butcher lot]
Butcher Julia A. Goundry 1918 B1843, wife of William [T.] Butcher [W3:188; Mrs. Wm Butcher lot]
Butcher William T. 1915 B1848 [W3:188; Mrs. Wm Butcher lot]
Butler Allie May # 1897 Jul 21 Died age 2 months 13 days in Penn Yan, daughter of James & Ida May Butler [village record]
Butler Frank # 1902 B1902 [W2:180; James Butler lot]
Butler Charles # 1901 Mar 22 Died age 2 months 1 day, son of James C. & Ida Butler [W2:180; James Butler lot]
Butler Mary H[elen] 1912 Oct 12 Died age 54 [W4:F; Hattie Butler lot]
Butler Pearl # 1905 B1904 [W4:F; Hattie Butler lot]
Cadwell Hattie Butler # 1940 B1889 [W4:F; Hattie Butler lot]
Caldwell Eva Lamphier # 1905 May 6 B1883, daughter of Moses Lamphier [W2:100; James Caldwell lot]
Caldwell Henry # 1918 B1859 [removed to Evergreen Cemetery, Dresden]
Caldwell Jennie # 1915 B1898 [W2:100; Henry Caldwell lot]
Calhoon [C.] Edward 1949 B1880 [monument; W3:130; Earnest Calhoun lot]
Calhoon Charles [Alden] 1979 B1907 [monument; W3:130; Earnest Calhoun lot]
Calhoon John H[enry] 1929 B1852 [monument; W3:130; Earnest Calhoun lot]
Calhoon Minerva [Dutcher] 1915 B1857 wife of John H. Calhoon [monument; W3:130; Earnest Calhoun lot]
Calhoun Herman [Anthony] N. 1974 Jun 2 B1931 Jan 24; cpl., U.S. Army [Soldiers Plot: 22]
Caragon Charles A. # 1963 B1870 [Soldiers Plot: 17]
Carey Fannie 19[53] B1867, wife of Lewis Carey [W2:199; Lewis Carey lot]
Carey Lewis 1940 B1848 [W2:199; Lewis Carey lot]
Carey Mary E. Pickard # 1916 B1838 [W2:164; Abner Carey lot]
Carlson Oscar 1913 B1869 [W3:132; John Larsen lot]
Carr Charles H. # 1941 B1859 [W4:K; Mrs. Chas Carr lot]
Carr Charles Henry 1913 May 29 B1856 Aug 22 [W4:K; Mrs. Chas Carr lot]
Carr Edith M. # 1955 B1881 [wife of William F. Carr] [W4:K; Mrs. Chas Carr lot]
Carr Eva R. # 1941 B1866 [wife of Frank Carr] [W2:121; Eva R. Carr lot]
Carr Frank # 1935 B1860 [W2:121; Eva R. Carr lot]
Carr Harriet, Mrs. # 1905 B1844 [W2:145; Mrs. Daniel Wilson lot]
Carr Maria J. [West] [1918] B1828 Jul 15 [W4:15; Seymour C. Patterson lot]
Carr Morris # 1907 B1871 [W2:103; Morris Carr lot]
Carr Rosie M. 1883 Feb 6 B1858 Apr 1 [daughter of Silas M. & Johanna M. Carr] [W4:15; Seymour C. Patterson lot]
Carr Silas H. 1903 Jun 4 B1830 Jan 4 [W4:15; Seymour C. Patterson lot]
Carr William F. 1941 B1872 [W4:K; Mrs. Chas Carr lot]
Carrasas Stephen 1948 Sep 27 B1921 Aug 4; WWII: NY, Musician, U.S. Navy [Soldiers Plot: 40]
Carroll Marie # 1976 B1895 [W2:100; Mrs. Arthur J. Reeves lot]
Carroll [Mary] Olive [Goldsmith] 1912 B1886 wife of Patrick Carroll [W4:I; Patrick H. Carroll lot]
Carroll Patrick [H.] 1934 B1883 [W4:I; Patrick H. Carroll lot]
Carroll Sarah E. # 1928 B1928 [W4:I; Patrick H. Carroll lot]
Chaffee Asa D. # 1915 B1847 [W2:158; Mrs. Asa D. Chaffee lot]
Chambers Charles R. 1947 B1871 [W3:192; Chas Chambers & Frank Stone lot]
Chambers Cora B[ell] 1948 B1870 [wife of Charles R. Chambers] [W3:192; Chas Chambers & Frank Stone lot]
Chambers Mary [E.] W[ilson] 1923 B1852 [wife of William Chambers] [W3:192; Chas Chambers & Frank Stone lot]
Chambers William 1912 Oct 11 B1843 Feb 23 [died in Milo, son of George & Ann Chambers] [W3:192; Chas Chambers & Frank Stone lot]
Chapman Alida M. West # 1915 B1880 [W2:106; Wm Chapman lot]
Cheney George S. 1921 B1896 [W3:187; Mrs. Lois Cheney lot]
Cheney Lois F. 1951 B1874 [wife of George Cheney] [W3:187; Mrs. Lois Cheney lot]
Chidsey E[mily] E. Dains 1952 B1866 [W3:206; Mrs. Emily Dains lot]
Christensen Amelia 1913
Christensen Andres [C.] 1922 B1836 [W2:99; Anders C. Christensen lot]
Christensen Andrew [C.] 1927 B1861 [W2:203; Hermine Christensen lot]
Christensen Anna [Margaret] 1951 B1854 [W2:164; Mrs. Anna M. Christensen lot]
Christensen Arthur # 1899 Feb 12 Died age 1 month in Penn Yan, son of Chris & Nora Christensen [village record]
Christensen Bertha E. 1962 B1880 [W2:164; Mrs. Anna M. Christensen lot]
Christensen Carl Walter [1911] [B1887] [adjacent to Johanna Sorensen; W2:159; Anna M. Christensen lot]
Christensen Chris # 1943 B1862 [W2:95 Lars C. Larsen lot]
Christensen Christen 1916 B1859 [W2:159; Sine Christensen lot]
Christensen Christian P. 1908 B1865 [W2:144; Mrs. Christian P. Christensen lot]
Christensen Dagmar 1924 B1907 [same stone as Martha Christensen; W4:S; Mrs. Soren Christensen lot]
Christensen Elsie 1995 B1905 [same stone as Margaret Christensen; W3:229; Elsie Christensen lot]
Christensen Eurelia A. # 1914 B1877 [recorded with Johanna Christensen; W2:144; Mrs. Anna Christensen lot]
Christensen Hansine 1942? B1959 [wife of Christen Christensen] [W2:159; Sine Christensen lot]
Christensen Henry C[arl] 1910 B1905 [W3:143; Henry C. Christensen lot]
Christensen Hermina 1946 B1876, wife of Andrew Christensen [W2:203; Hermine Christensen lot]
Christensen Jens P[eter] 1913 Jan 10 [B1876] Spanish American War: NY, 5th U.S. Infantry [W4:S; Mrs. Soren Christensen lot]
Christensen Johanna J. 1947 B1859 [wife of Christian P. Christensen] [recorded with Eurelia Christensen] [W2:144; Mrs. Anna Christensen lot]
Christensen Kathrine Marie 1920 B1841 [W3:88; Amelia Nielsen lot]
Christensen Leon [1981] B1900 [adjacent to Anna & Bertha Christensen; W2:159-164; Howard Leshure lot]
Christensen Margaret 1967 B1911 [W3:229; Elsie Christensen lot]
Christensen Martha Palleson 1962 B1885 [same stone as Dagmar Christensen; W4:S; Mrs. Soren Christensen lot]
Christensen Otto # 1908 [W2:163; Andrew Christensen lot]
Christensen Peter # 1914 B1876 [W4:S; Mrs. Soren Christensen lot]
Christensen Soren # 1912 B1870 [W4:S; Mrs. Soren Christensen lot]
Christensen William # 1972 B1899 [W3:115; Sine Christensen lot]
Christianson Arthur W. 1913 Feb 12 B1900 Aug 3, son of A. & H. Christianson [W2:163; Andrew Christiansen lot]
Christianson Frank W. 1896 Feb 10 B1894 Oct 17, son of A. & H. Christianson [W2:163; Andrew Christiansen lot]
Churchill Charles Hoyt # 1958 B1875 [W3:153; Chas Churchill lot]
Churchill Charles Jr. # 1996 [W3:88; Chas Churchill Jr. lot]
Churchill Francis # 1934 B1879 [W3:153; Chas Churchill lot]
Clark Bertha Ann # 1927 B1926 [W3:106; Franklin H. Clark lot]
Clark Blanche 1906 B1883 [W3:169; Phillips & Wrean lot]
Clark Carrie [M.] Phillips 1945 B1868 [wife of Isaac C. Clark] [W3:169; Phillips & Wrean lot]
Clark Franklin H. # 1928 B1924 [W2:106; Franklin H. Clark lot]
Clark Herbert Henry # 1929 B1929
Clark Isaac C. 1955 B1865 [W3:169; Phillips & Wrean lot]
Clark Llewellyn
Civil War: Co. G, 14th NY Heavy Artillery [Soldiers Plot]
Clark Mary 1930 B1901 [recorded with infant; W2:106; Franklin H. Clark lot]
Clatworthy Charles 1883 Jul 15 B1821 Feb 28 [son of William & Sophia Clatworthy] [monument; W4:63; Charles Clatworthy lot]
Clatworthy Charlotte M. 1892 May 4 B1822 May 5, wife of Charles Clatworthy [monument; W4:63; Charles Clatworthy lot]
Clatworthy Eliza E. 1857 Jul 13 B1856 Jan 16, daughter of Charles & Charlotte Clatworthy [monument; W4:63; Charles Clatworthy lot]
Clawson Elmer # 1997 B1926 [W2:92; Marvin H. Decker lot]
Clawson George R[ichard] 1972 Feb 6 B1894 Apr 27; WWI: NY, sgt., U.S. Army [Soldiers Plot: 14]
Clawson Lillian M. # 1958 B1925 [W2:92; Marvin H. Decker lot]
Clemence Robert [1897] [B1840] Civil War: Battery F, 2nd NY Heavy Artillery [Soldiers Plot: 1M]
Coats Elinor Beatrice # 1952 B1895 [W2:197; Elizabeth Bodine lot]
Coats Eliza S. Davis 1877 B1840, wife of Miner L. Coats [Miner Coats lot]
Coats Guy S. 1956 B1868 [W3:208; Guy S. Coats lot]
Coats Lucille Hobart 1949 B1872, wife of Guy S. Coats [W3:208; Guy S. Coats lot]
Coats Miner L. 1913 B1830 [W3:208; Guy S. Coats lot]
Coe S[eymour] B., Major [1887] [B1818] Civil War: [Co. I,] 3rd Ohio Cavalry [W4:22; Seymour C. Patterson lot]
Colburn Charlotte # 1916 B1845 [W4:60; Drew G. Jayne lot]
Comings J[osiah] Pearson 1916 B1846 [W4:66; Joseph Pearson Comings lot]
Comings Mary A. Cornell 1922 B1856, wife of J. Pearson Comings [W4:66; Joseph Pearson Comings lot]
Congdon Emma Francisco # 1911 B1855, wife of Thomas F. Congdon & daughter of John R. & Julia Potter Francisco [W2:102; Mrs. Lena J. Weaver lot]
Conklin Ben # 1941 B1873 [W2:105; B. J. Conklin lot]
Conklin Frank 1925 B1851 [W2:105; Fred Conklin lot]
Conklin Fred 1933 B1877 [W2:165; James P. Conklin lot]
Conklin Anna # 1918 Died age 16 days [W2:165; James P. Conklin lot]
Conklin infant # 1911 Mar 15 Died in Penn Yan, child of Fred & Stella Bates Conklin [village record]
Conklin James P. # 1913 B1847 [W2:165; James P. Conklin lot]
Conklin Mary Peckins # 1911 B1835 [W2:105; B. J. Conklin lot]
Conklin Nancy A. # 1927 B1840 [W2:165; James P. Conklin lot]
Conklin Nathan # 1932 B1854 [W2:105; B. J. Conklin lot]
Conklin Rose 1943 B1861 [wife of Frank Conklin] [W2:105; Fred Conklin lot]
Conway Edgar # 1909 Oct -- Died age 10 months 8 days in Milo, son of Burt A. & Georgia Beebe Conway [W2:103; Morris Carr lot]
Conway Leon # 1899 Jan 31 Died age 7 months in Penn Yan, son of George S. & Eunice Conway [village record]
Conway William H. # 1910 B1901 [W2:177; B. A. Conway lot]
Cook Edwin # 1909 B1829 [W2:101; E. W. Cook lot]
Coons Adam J. 1885 Nov 3 B1817 Mar 22 [son of John A. & Harriet Coons] [W4:21; Lucinda Coons & Herman W. Perry lot]
Coons Catherine [McIntyre] 1919 B1848, wife of Dayton Coons [W4:21; Lucinda Coons & Herman W. Perry lot]
Coons Dayton M. 1936 B1856 [W4:13; Dayton M. Coons lot]
Coons George Wesley # 1883 Mar 14 Died age 42/9/7 in Penn Yan, son of John & Hannah Coons [village record]
Coons Lucinda Roorbacker # 1905 B1821 [W4:21; Lucinda Coons & Herman W. Perry lot]
Corbitt Harriett [B.] Raplee 1916 B1836, wife of Thomas G. Corbitt [W3:127; Harriet Corbitt lot]
Corey Elizabeth Betsy Clark # 1903 Nov 17 Died age 88/8 in Penn Yan, daughter of Ebenezer & Lydia Brown Clark & mother of Emma Corey & Lydia Orr [village record]
Corey E[mma] J. 1909 B1843 [W2:102; Ed L. Corey lot]
Cornell Franklin H. 1968 B1906 [same stone as Gertrude Gysel; W3:153; Chas Churchill lot]
Corwin Fred # 1911 B1868 [W2:119; Fred Corwin lot]
Corwin Wendall # 1910 B1910 [W2:119; Fred Corwin lot]
Costello Minnie Mae # 1969 B1889 [W2:101; Mrs. Ida Barrett lot]
Cragan Charles A. 1963 Feb 22 B1869 Mar 12; Spanish-American War: NY, Co. D, 1st Connecticut Infantry [Soldiers Plot]
Cragg Edith B. 1934 B1858 [monument; W4:65; Richard Cragg lot]
Cragg Elizabeth Louise # 1933 B1933 [W4:65; Richard Cragg lot]
Cragg Floyd L. 1905 Dec 20 B1899 Aug 23 [died in Milo, son of Richard & Edith Blank Cragg] [monument & his own stone; W4:65; Richard Cragg lot]
Cragg Richard 1925 B1850 [monument; W4:65; Richard Cragg lot]
Craver Carrie # 1916 B1882 [W2:177; Azel West lot]
Crawford Charles P. 1844 B1844 [W4:24; Mary J. Seymour lot]
Crawford Rachel P[laisted] 1888 [Aug 12] B1813 [died age 75/3, daughter of John & Sarah Vernal Plaisted] [W4:24; Mary J. Seymour lot]
Crawford Samuel 1848 B1804 [W4:24; Mary J. Seymour lot]
Creed Thomas [1869] [B1827] Civil War: Co. D, 194th NY [Soldiers Plot: 1K]
Criss Clarence W. 1973 Jul 25 B1933 Aug 27; Korean War & Vietnam War: NY, s/sgt., U.S. Army [Soldiers Plot: 3]
Crosby Adah Zillah 1884 B1883 [W3:171; Isaac Crosby lot]
Crosby Drusilla Eddy 1926 B1840, wife of Isaac Crosby [W3:171; Isaac Crosby lot]
Crosby Isaac 1925 B1838 [Civil War] [W3:171; Isaac Crosby lot]
Culver Charles C. 1976 B1899 [W3:210; John S. Davis lot]
Culver Chester # 2006 B1921 [W3:171; Isaac Crosby lot]
Culver Louise D[avis] 1981 B1896 [wife of Charles C. Culver] [W3:210; John S. Davis lot]
Cummings Katie Brown # 1939 B1877 [W3:127; Katie Brown lot]
D--- H--- S---
[Footstone adjacent to Jemima Williams]
Dains F. Clark 1919 B1863 [W3:206; Mrs. Emily Dains lot]
Dains George R. 1919 B1898 [W3:206; Mrs. Emily Dains lot]
Dakin Elizabeth E. Washer # 1909 Dec 31 Died age 88/3/19 in Milo, daughter of Ebenezer & Polly Holton Washer [W2:105; Elizabeth Dakin lot]
Dallas Lydia # 1909 B1904 [W2:161; Frank Dallas lot]
Dallas Veda

Darrah Adeline 1942 B1860 [W2:182; Mrs. Amanda Hamm lot]
Darrah Chaunsie # 1963 B1900 [W2:182; Mrs. Amanda Hamm lot]
Daugherty Esther 1936 B1870 [monument; W3:126; Mrs. Geo Dougherty lot]
Daugherty George 1929 B1872 [monument; W3:126; Mrs. Geo Dougherty lot]
Daugherty George Jr. 19-- B1912 [monument; W3:126; Mrs. Geo Dougherty lot]
Daugherty infant # 1906 Sep 13 Died age 2 months in Penn Yan, daughter of George & Esther Carr Daugherty [village record]
Daugherty Mary # 1903 Aug 25 Died age 3 months in Penn Yan, daughter of George & Mary McB. Daugherty [village record]
Daugherty Nellie 1949 B1906 [monument; W3:126; Mrs. Geo Dougherty lot]
Davenport Georgie [D.] 1904 Sep 23 B1899 Nov 19 [W2:98A; Wm Davenport lot]
Davenport Ida A[melia] 1940 B1866 [wife of William A. Davenport] [W2:98A; Wm Davenport lot]
Davenport infant # 1909 B1909 [W2:98A; Wm Davenport lot]
Davenport William A. 1931 B1864 [W2:98A; Wm Davenport lot]
Davenport William E. # 1915 B1914 [W2:98A; Wm Davenport lot]
Davis Edith M. # 1910 Aug 23 Died age 2 days, daughter of Charles & Alice Davis [W2:183; Sarah M. Davis lot]
Davis John S. 1928 B1864 [W3:210; John S. Davis lot]
Davis Lavinia [A.] [Powell] 1912 B1864 [W3:210; John S. Davis lot]
Davis Nettie E. # 1918 B1917 [W3:210; John S. Davis lot]
Davis Nina M[ay] 1964 B1892, wife of Watkin P. Davis [W3:210; John S. Davis lot]
Davis Sara J. # 1931 B1854 [W3:247; Sara J. Davis lot]
Davis Sarah M. [Osborne] [1889 Jan 14] Died age 26/18 days, daughter of Edgar & Sarah M. Dayton Osborne [stone partially buried; W2:183; Sarah M. Davis lot]
Davis Viola L. # 1913 Sep 5 Died age 2 months 4 days in Milo, daughter of Charles & Alice Davis [W2:183; Sarah M. Davis lot]
Davis Watkin P. 1959 B1889 [W3:210; John S. Davis lot]
Day Dora Hiscock # 1914 B1877 [W2:92; M. C. McPhillips lot]
Day Florence # 1981 B1908 [W3:194; Geo Heath / Fred Letteer lot]
Dean George # 2003 B1936 [W4:19; Geo. Hankinson lot]
Dean Johnie Roy 1954 Dec 25 B1913 Jul 30; WWII: NY, s1, U.S. Naval Reserve [Soldiers Plot; recorded adjacent to Betty Lou Dean in the Free Ground; 7:3]
Debolt Agnes C. K.
B1922 [wife of Frank E. Debolt Jr.]
Debolt Clarence C. 1956 Feb 20 B1895 May 15; WWI: NY, machinist's mate l, U.S. Navy [W4:12; Geo. Debolt lot]
Debolt Donald E. 1937 B1921 [monument; W3:228; Frank Debolt lot]
Debolt Florence D. 1980 B1890 [monument; W3:228; Frank Debolt lot]
Debolt Frank E. 1957 B1885 [monument; W3:228; Frank Debolt lot]
Debolt Frank E. Jr. 1989 B1922: WWII: flight officer, U.S. Army Air Corps
Debolt George C. 1930 B1860 [W4:12; Geo. Debolt lot]
Debolt Harris # 1927 B1922 [W3:110; Mrs. Nellie Hopkins lot]
Debolt Lenora L. 1944 B1859 [W4:12; Geo. Debolt lot]
Debolt Ruth Hopkins # 1927 B1893 [W3:110; Mrs. Nellie Hopkins lot]
Debolt Sarah E. [Prosser] 1915 B1838 [W4:12; Geo. Debolt lot]
Decker Alma Longwell 1981 B1897, wife of Cornelius J. Decker [W4:48; Timothy Jayne lot]
Decker Cornelius J. 1982 Oct 13 B1893 Jul 1; WWI: U.S. Army [W4:48; Timothy Jayne lot]
Decker Edna E. 1948 B1874, wife of Marvin Decker [monument; W2:92; Marvin H. Decker lot]
Decker Elmer E. 1911 B1892, son of Marvin & Edna Decker [monument; W2:92; Marvin H. Decker lot]
Decker infant # 1893 Oct 19 Died age 1 month 4 days in Penn Yan, child of Dennis & Ida Daugherty Decker [village record]
Decker Lillian M.
B1894, daughter of Marvin & Edna Decker [monument; W2:92; Marvin H. Decker lot]
Decker L[oretta] M. [1925] [B1925] [W2: 98½ Claude Decker lot]
Decker Marvin H. [1949] B1871 [monument; W2:92; Marvin H. Decker lot]
Delong Jessie C. 1902 B1882 [W2:186; F. H. Delong lot]
Dennis Eliza W. 1923 B1852 [W4:7; Helen Dennis lot]
Denniston Anna L. 1943 B1856 [W3:147; Anna L. Denniston lot]
Denniston Johnson J. 1916 B1846 [W3:147; Anna L. Denniston lot]
Denniston Maude D. 1925 B1875 [W3:147; Anna L. Denniston lot]
Deselms Mary M. 1928 B1894 [W3:167; C. P. Neilsen lot]
Dewaters Bertha A. 1946 B1877 [wife of Edward M. Dewaters] [W3:170; Edward M. Dewaters lot]
Dewaters Edward M. 1943 B1882 [W3:170; Edward M. Dewaters lot]
Dewaters J. Carlton 1913 B1912 [Dewaters lot]
Dewaters James A. # 1913 B1913 [W3:170; Edward M. Dewaters lot]
Dewaters Laura Sodell # 1903 B1859 [W3:170; Edward M. Dewaters lot]
Dewaters Marian # 1907 Jan 21 Died in Penn Yan, child of E. M. Dewaters [village record]
Dewey Harold P. # 1923 B1923 [W2:119; Mrs. Melville Dewey lot]
Dewey Melvin [M.] 1906 Jan 11 B1864 Aug 19 [W2:119; Mrs. Melville Dewey lot]
Dewitt Della # 1942 B1868 [wife of Frank Dewitt] [W4:C; Frank Dewitt lot]
Dewitt E. 1903 B1877 [James Moon lot?]
Dewitt Eliza A. Dewaters # 1902 B1884 [W2:97; John W. Dewitt lot]
Dewitt Frank 1913 [Apr 4] B1862 [died age 50/9/18 in Milo, son of Orlando & Agnes King Dewitt] [W4:C; Frank Dewitt lot]
Dey M. Elizabeth [Colburn] 1899 B1827 [W4:60; Drew G. Jayne lot]
Dilliston Angeline Simmons Tubbs # 1919 B1849 [wife of Merrill Dilliston; her 1st husband was Alia Tubbs] [W2:196; Merrill Dilliston lot]
Dilliston Merrill # 1933 B1859 [W2:196; Merrill Dilliston lot]
Dimon Clifford B. 1975 B1900 [W4:60; Drew G. Jayne lot]
Dimon Frances L. 1965 B1892 [wife of Clifford B. Dimon] [W4:60; Drew G. Jayne lot]
Disbrow Blanche # 1891 May 9 Died age 4 months in Penn Yan, daughter of Oliver & Mary Funk Disbrow [village record]
Divens Donald D. # 1910 B1906 [W2:178; Elliott Divens lot]
Dobson Martha Jane # 1938 B1848 [W2:140; Mrs. Martha Hale lot]
Donniker John E. # 1902 B1812 [W2:102; Mrs. John E. Donniker lot]
Dougherty J[ames] K. [1907 Nov 18] [Died age 68, son of Robert Dougherty] Civil War: Co. G, 85th NY [Soldiers Plot: 1J]
Douglas Perl R. 1960 Oct 16 B1887 Feb 6; WWI: NY, Co. F, 328th Infantry [Soldiers Plot: 3]
Dunning Ann M. [Lynn] 1900 Sep 14 B1842 Apr 7 [W4:A; Chas H. Dunning lot]
Dunning Charles H. [1921] B1837 May 15; Civil War: Co. B, 126th NY [W4:A; Chas H. Dunning lot; recorded in Soldiers Plot]
Dunning Edward A. # 1923 B1867 [W4:A; Chas H. Dunning lot]
Duval Clara B. 1960 B1900 [monument; W3:134; Lillian H. Sisson lot]
Duval William H. 1957 B1898 [monument; W3:134; Lillian H. Sisson lot]
Dyer Harriet S. # 1923 B1842 [W2:162; Harriet S. Dyer lot]
Dyer Lola A. [Palmatier] 1912 B1890, wife of Walter Dyer [W3:191; Walter E. Dyer lot]
Dyer Philip # 1895 B1860 [W2:181; Harriet S. Dyer lot]
Dyer Walter E. 1976 B1888 [W3:191; Walter E. Dyer lot]
Dyer Walter E. # 2005 B1912 [W3:191; Walter E. Dyer lot]
Dykeman Fred S. 1972 B1882 [W4:H; Martin Dykeman lot]
Dykeman Joseph Bradley # 1944 B1884 [W4:H; Martin Dykeman lot]
Dykeman Lucy Bilson 1912 B1851, wife of Martin Dykeman [W4:H; Martin Dykeman lot]
Dykeman Martin 1919 B1845 [W4:H; Martin Dykeman lot]
Dykeman Pearl Sisson # 1928 B1888 [W4:H; Martin Dykeman lot]
Earley Leona F. 1967 B1909 [wife of Oliver B. Debolt] [W3:228; Frank Debolt lot]
Earley Oliver B. 1977 B1903 [W3:228; Frank Debolt lot]
Eaves Clara Travis 1933 B1859 [Lillian Budd lot]
Eddy Mary A. 1905 Jul 25 B1833 Jan 29 [died in Milo, daughter of ---- & Elizabeth Williams Eddy] [W4:47; Isaac E. Hewitt lot]
Egelston Bert 1943 B1884 [W2:144; Bert Egelston lot]
Egelston Martha 1926 B1885 [wife of Bert Egelston] [W2:144; Bert Egelston lot]
Edwards Mary J. # 1924 B1856 [W2-3; 6A; Sidney Edwards lot]
Eicherly Earl Younger 1945 Apr 20 B1897 Nov 25; Pa., seaman, U.S. Navy [Soldiers Plot: 4T]
Elliot Susan [P.] [Smith] Green 1914 B1853, wife of Heman Elliot [W3:149; Mrs. Lottie Brown lot]
Elliott Eleanor F. # 1926 B1858 [W2:93; Frank Elliott lot]
Ellis Squier 1891 May 24 Died age 55 [W2:162; Squier Ellis lot]
Ellsworth M[orris] F. [1909] [B1829]; Civil War: lieut., Co. F, 95th Illinois [Soldiers Plot: 1C]
Emerson Philip David 1935 [B1935] [W3:172; Thomas, Bert & L. J. Brunskill lot]
Everson Anna # 1919 B1845 [W2:183; Mrs. Anna Everson lot]
Fairfield Maria E. [Sanford] 1902 Feb 2 B1833 Mar 29, wife of William W. Fairfield [W2:185; Maria E. Fairfield lot]
Fairfield William W. 1898 Nov 8 B1824 Apr 10 [W2:185; Maria E. Fairfield lot]
Farr Chester E. 1971 B1907 [W3:116; Wheeler R. Farr lot]
Farr Cora M. 1954 B1883 [W3:116; Wheeler R. Farr lot]
Farr Evelyn
B1918, wife of Chester E. Farr [W3:116; Wheeler R. Farr lot]
Farr Wheeler R. 1955 B1883 [W3:116; Wheeler R. Farr lot]
[Farr] Wilbur [E.] 1916 B1913 [W3:116; Wheeler R. Farr lot]
Faulkner Irene # 1905 Jul 16 Died age 19 in Milo, daughter of William & Mary Perrin Faulkner [W2:179; Mrs. Wm Faulkner lot]
Faulkner Kate # 1914 B1878 [W2:179; Mrs. Wm Faulkner lot]
Faulkner Mary A. Perrin # 1919 B1850 [W2:179; Andrew Faulkner lot]
Faulkner William Jr. # 1912 Apr 17 Died age 35/9/3, son of William & Mary A. Perrin Faulkner [W2:179; Mrs. Wm Faulkner lot]
Faulkner William Sr. # 1899 B1839 [W2:179; Mrs. Wm Faulkner lot]
Ferguson Charles [W.] [1910] [B1839]; Civil War: Co. A, 85th NY [Soldiers Plot: 20]
Ferguson Clarence 1960 Oct 24 B1897 Mar 13; WWI: NY, Co. B, 3rd Dev. Regiment [Soldiers Plot: 5]
Ferguson David # 1914 B1849 [W2:145; Myron H. Hartwell lot]
Field James [1900] [B1836] Civil War: Co. F, 78th NY [Soldiers Plot: 1L]
Fingar Albert [R.] 1925 B1849 [W2:201; Albert R. Fingar lot]
Fingar Margaret 1926 B1846 [wife of Albert R. Fingar] [W2:201; Albert R. Fingar lot]
[Finger] Emeline [H.] 1879 B1834 [W4:42; Norton Finger lot]
Finger Hannah L. 1928 B1844 [W3:114; Hannah L. Finger lot]
[Finger] Margrie [1926] [B1872] [W4:D; James M. Finger lot]
Finger Mary L. Murphy 1913 [Sep 13] B1850, wife of William O. Finger [died age 63/1/16, daughter of P. H. & Mary A. Spink Murphy] [W4:D; James M. Finger lot]
Finger Maynard # 1926 B1851
[Finger] Norton [1905] B1829 [W4:42; Norton Finger lot; shares monument with W4:43; Stuart Newby lot]
Finger O[liver] M. [1870] [B1837] Civil War: Co. I, 148th NY [Soldiers Plot: 1R]
Finger William O. 1921 B1834 [W4:D; James M. Finger lot]
Folmer Elnora # 1918 Dec B1918 Mar [W3:246; W. J. Folmer lot]
Foot Gertrude # 1962 B1872 [W3:134; Chas D. Bentley lot]
Foote George F. 1936 B1863 [W3:190; Geo. F. Foote lot]
Foote Olive A. [Graham] 1917 B1869 [W3:190; Geo. F. Foote lot]
Fox Bessie M.
B1894, daughter of Eugene & Genette Fox [monument; W3:211; Mrs. Nettie Fox lot]
Fox Eugene J. 1914 B1864 [monument; W3:211; Mrs. Nettie Fox lot]
Fox Genette P. [1924] B1872, wife of Eugene J. Fox [monument; W3:211; Mrs. Nettie Fox lot]
Fox Mildred I.
B1914 daughter of Eugene & Genette Fox [monument; W3:211; Mrs. Nettie Fox lot]
Frank Flora [1931] [B1863] [W2:123; Flora Frank lot]
Frank Hervey B. 19[26] B1846 [W2:140; Hervey B. Frank lot]
Frank Honolulu # 1944 B1877 [W2:140; Honolulu Frank lot]
Frank infant # 1913 [W2:182; Frank Stark lot]
Frank Julia G[amer] 1909 B1849, wife of Hervey B. Frank [W2:140; Hervey B. Frank lot]
Fredenburg Ella [Eleanor J.] H[orton] [1913 Jul 28] [Died age 45/3/23, wife of George H. Fredenburg & daughter of William E. & Ann Scott Horton] [W2:118; Geo. H. Fredenburg lot]
Fredenburg George H. [1932] [B1858] [W2:118; Geo. H. Fredenburg lot]
Fredericksen Arnold 1998 B1914 [W2:139; Andrew Jorgensen lot]
Fredericksen Minnie C. 1965 B1896 [W4:4; John Simonsen lot]
French Alberta [Louise] D[avis] 1968 B1919 [W3:210; John S. Davis lot]
French Dean Wesley # 1999 B1916 [W3:210; John S. Davis lot]
Fuller Marion Early # 1940 B1889 [W3:128; Delos Trenchard lot]
Fultz Anna Bowen # 1901 B1874 [recorded with infant; W2:141; Mrs. Anna Fultz lot]
Fultz Emily Jones # 1895 May 2 Died age 28/7 in Penn Yan, daughter of James & Sarah Jones [village record]
Fultz infant # 1900 May 15 B1900, child of Ernest & Anna Bowers Fultz [recorded with Anna Fultz; W2:141; Mrs. Anna Fultz lot]

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