The Free Ground: Notes |
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This is the oldest part of the cemetery, and is in origin the burial ground of the Wagener family; the first burial took place in August 1799 and is that of David Wagener, who came to what is now Yates County in 1791 with the Society of Universal Friends, established the first inn within the present County boundaries, had an interest in the Friends' Mill and in 1796 built the first gristmill within the village of Penn Yan's present limits.
David Wagener's elder son Abraham built a house on what is now Main Street and moved into it on New Year's Day 1800, a few months after inheriting much of the land between the Outlet and present Court Street. He was the area's first appointed postmaster, instrumental in securing a location for the county seat at Penn Yan in 1823, and when the village was incorporated in 1833 he was its first president, an office analogous to mayor. It was Abraham Wagener who in 1837 donated the two-acre parcel now known as the Free Ground for the village's cemetery. By then it contained a substantial number of burials, including of course those of his parents. The Free Ground, unlike the other sections of the cemetery, is not laid out in lots. In some cases, however, family members are buried near one another, and this is indicated in the list. Names given to the plots are more or less arbitrary and do not indicate lot ownership. The number in brackets at the end of each entry indicates the row and grave number as reflected in the village record. The village's records indicate that a great many more people are buried here than now have markers; in some cases it's clear that gravestones were read and recorded that have since disappeared, in others the grave was probably never marked. The very large number of relatively recent unmarked burials of infants and children in this section were omitted from this list, but are noted on the village's interment records. Some names were added to the list from other sources where it seemed appropriate. |
Above is part of the general map showing where the Free Ground is, relative to the main Elm Street entrance to Lakeview. This section is the farthest east in the cemetery, and the oldest. The oldest graves are at the top of the knoll in the grove of very large oak trees. No official map seems to have been made of the Free Ground, though the rows and the graves in each are numbered. |
---- ---- | m | [Slate stone, inscription lost] |
---- ---- | m | [Slate stone, inscription lost] |
---- ---- | m | [Fieldstone, no inscription] |
---- ---- | m | [Adjacent to Mary ----; stone broken and partially buried] |
---- ----# | 1895 Jan 10 | D age 45, an unknown man killed by the cars in Penn Yan [village record] |
---- ----# | m | [Recorded as an unknown burial in the Lathrop plot] |
---- John Wesley | m | Son of ---- [stone partially buried] |
---- Marion K. | 1924 Nov 20 | B1919 Sep 8 |
---- Mary | 1876 | m |
Abbott Ann | 1847 Aug 12 | D age 4/4/2, daughter of Joseph & Ann Abbott [2:57; also on Abbott monument in Purchase 1] |
Ackley John M. | 1839 Aug 30 | D age 3, son of Samuel J. & Elizabeth Ackley [4:2] |
Adgate Chester V., Rev. | 1833 Feb 4 | D age 38 [pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church] [11:55] |
Albertson baby # | 1929 | B1929 [17: 123] |
Alford Jesse | 1810 Oct 20 | D age 25, son of John & Rebecca Alford [& 1st husband of Mary Rawalt Lawrence] [10:39 Rawalt plot] |
Allen Martha | 1831 Oct 19 | D age 23/5/5, daughter of Gideon & Froanna Allen [5:80] |
Allison Gary Lee | 1951 Dec 24 | D age 1 day |
Allison Stella | 1957 | B1900 [wife of Walter G. Allison] [8:11] |
Allison Walter G. | 1949 | B1902 [8:18] |
Anable Edward # | 1971 | B1881 [2:116] |
Anderson John | 1963 | B1874 [1:109] |
Anderson Lovina | 1850 Jul 2 | D age 24 [5:46] |
Anderson Sam # | 1940 | B1868 [8:39] |
Andrews Mary [Lee] | 1831 Aug 15 | D age 64 [wife of Joshua Andrews & daughter of Thomas Sr. & Waity Sherman Lee] [16:44; Thomas Lee plot] |
Anthony Catherine R. | 1856 Sep 6 | D age 30, wife of John A. Anthony [23:48; Niram Crane plot] |
Apgar Willis | [1956] | D age 91 [11:8] |
Atkins Cornelia S. | 1834 Feb 3 | D age 1/11 days, daughter of Elisha L. & Margaret L. Atkins [6:36] |
Austin Blanche W. | 1933 | B1876 [7:34] |
Austin J[ustus] P. | 1961 | B1878 [4:2] |
Babcock George A. # | 1942 | B1884 [row 13] |
[Bacon] Charles M. | 1846 --- -- | D age 13 months [18:109] |
Bailey infant # | 1922 | B1922 [12:26] |
Bailey Mary E. # | 1921 | B1861 [1:95] |
Baker Adda Hall Halliday # | 1914 | B1868 [24:43; Adda Baker plot] |
Baker Alice A. | 1951 | B1910 [7:14] |
Baker Charles [B.] | 1952 Mar 26 | B1894 Jan 11; WWI: NY & Maryland [24:40] |
Baker James Arthur # | 1929 | B1856 [24:41; Adda Baker plot] |
Baker Jeanette M[arie] | 1962 Apr | B1962 Mar [20:6; same stone as Michael Baker] |
Baker Lewis E. | 1969 | B1887 [7:14] |
Baker Michael | 1964 Jul | B1958 Feb [20:7; same stone as Jeannette Baker] |
Baker Mamie # | 1905 Jul 26 | B1903, daughter of Jonathan & Addie Bell Baker [24:42; Adda Baker plot] |
Baker Richard # | 1919 | B1885 [24:45; Adda Baker plot] |
Ball Allen C. | 1858 Apr 21 | D age 72/8/11 [17:103] |
Barber Frank # | 1945 | B1872 [10:11] |
Barnes Major # | 1931 | B1856 [4:5] |
Bartholomew Cynthia | 1947 | B1947 [13:123F] |
[Bassage] Henry | 1920 | B1841; "Uncle Harry" [5:93; Shattuck plot] |
Bassett Anna [H. B.] | 1848 Oct 17 | D age 85/1/2, wife of Rev. Dr. John Bassett of Albany [5:57; Locke / Bassett plot] |
Bassett John | [1877] | [B1803] [broken stone; 5:55; Locke / Bassett plot] |
Bassett Thomas Hum | 1852 Sep 3 | D age 46/8/16 [5:56; Locke / Bassett plot] |
Baughman Raymond Guy | 1958 | B1905 |
Baughman Ruth Christine | 1972 | B1910 [wife of Raymond Guy Baughman] [1:71] |
Beebe Alfred | 1844 Dec 22 | D age 7/4/16; son of C. H. & Mary J. Beebe [C. H. Beebe plot] |
Beebe Caroline L. Finger # | 1894 | B1861 [wife of Henry Beebe] [10:21] |
Beebe George S. # | 1946 | B1853 [3:73] |
Beebe Henry # | 1917 | B1860 [10:20] |
Beebe infant # | 1912 Apr 22 | Died in Penn Yan, child of Henry & Maude Beebe [village record] [2:2] |
Beebe Mary J. | 1860 Aug 4 | D age 3 months 22 days, daughter of C. H. & Mary J. Beebe [C. H. Beebe plot] |
Beebe Mary J. # | 1844 | B1837 [11:5] |
Beers Ashbel R. | 1866 Jun 21 | D age 84/1/6 [12:65; Beers plot] |
Beers Elizabeth Townsend # | 1878 | B1798, wife of Ashbel Beers & daughter of Uriah & Dolly Fox Townsend [12:64; Beers plot] |
Beers James M. | 1841 Apr 5 | D age 24/1/6 [son of Ashbel & Elizabeth Beers] [12:69; Beers plot] |
Beers Mary Grainard # | 1890 | B1825 second wife of George F. Beers [12:71; Beers plot] |
Bell Arthur # | 1944 | B1944 [18:4] |
Bell Charles W. | 1951 | [B1870] [10:2] |
Benedict Lydia [Mead] | 1852 Mar 26 | D age 61/11/4, wife of Thomas Benedict [5:19; Benedict monument] |
Benedict Sally A. | 1834 Sep 5 | D age 5/4, daughter of Thomas & Lydia Benedict [5:18; Benedict monument] |
Benedict Thomas | 1879 Sep 11 | D age 94/5/28 [son of Daniel & Mary Wood Benedict] [5:20; Benedict monument] |
Benham Adelia | 1857 May 4 | D age 11 daughter of Miles & Phebe Benham [11:47; Benham plot] |
Benham Mary | 1838 Sep 15 | D age 14/8 days, daughter of Miles & Phebe Benham [11:44; Benham plot] |
Benham Miles | 1866 Mar 9 | B1787 Dec 10 [11:46; Benham plot] |
Benham Phebe | 1841 May 11 | D age 49/4, wife of Miles Benham [11:45; Benham plot] |
Bennett Abigail, Mrs. | [18:101] | |
Bensel Edward Duff | 1841 Aug 24 | B1838 Mar 1, son of James R. & Maria M. Bensel of NY [same stone as Henry Locke; 5:60; Locke / Bassett plot] |
Berger Mary Ann | 1839 Jul 26 | D age 2/6/26, daughter of Jonathan & Charlotte Berger [14:120] |
Beverly Carl # | 1967 | B1959 [4:2] |
Biss Edwin # | 1920 | B1835 [5:95] |
Bixley Earl # | 1949 | B1885 [10:3] |
Bland Winifred [S.] | [1951] | [B1877] [16:16] |
Bliss Missouri # | 1943 | B1942 [removed to Benton Center cemetery; 17:129] |
Blouin Hannah [Davidson] | 1856 Aug 23 | D age 22/8, wife of William P. Blouin [& daughter of John & Mehitabel Benedict Davidson] [2:93; Davidson plot] |
Bly Leroy E. # | 1917 | B1914 [10:71] |
Bodine infant # | 1943 | B1943 [14: 6F] |
Boles Minnie # | 1951 | B1901 [14:17] |
Bond Edith # | 1965 | B1879 [4:4] |
Bonham Etta # | 1944 | B1859 [15:129] |
Boone infant # | 1950 | B1950 [10:4F] |
Bovee Mark A[nthony] | 1964 | B1964 [8:26] |
Bowden Clarence Robert | 1992 [Apr 3] | [10:2; same grave as Thomas Walters] |
Bowers Mary | 1845 --- 22 | [B1843] [stone very worn; 12:59] |
Bowling Harry # | 1963 | B1887 [1:11] |
Bowling Lewis W. # | 1947 | B1881 [8:10] |
Bowling Winifred # | 1945 | B1877 [8:16] |
Bowman Earl # | 1981 | B1891 [2:121] |
Boyd Rebecca [Woodhull] Best | 1850 Apr 18 | D age 66/5/24, wife of Robert M. Boyd [& daughter of Tompkins Woodhull] [4:86] |
Boyer Ada # | 1956 | B1874 [21:98] |
Boyer Lewis # | 1951 May | B1887 |
Bradbury Asa Phelps | 1870 May 13 | D age 1/6/7, son of ---- & Polly Bradbury [22:6] |
Brady Loretta V. McGuire # | 1918 | B1890 [4:4] |
Braughman Raymond G. # | 1958 | B1905 [1:72] |
Breed Mary Jane | 1944 --- 6 | B1944 Mar 23 |
Brewer Diana | 1858 Aug 6 | D age 16 [1:76; same stone as Louise Brewer] |
Brewer infant # | 1947 | B1947 [17:129] |
Brewer infant # | 1949 | B1949 [17:120F] |
Brewer [Louise] | 1858 --- 4 | D age 41 [1:75; same stone as Diana Brewer] |
Brewster Philo B. | 1949 | B1870 [8:18] |
[Briggs] Joanna [Wagener] Oliver | 1895 May 2 | [B1826] wife of John Morrison Oliver [& wife of William S. Briggs; daughter of David & Maria West Wagener] [17:79; Wm M. Oliver plot] |
Brink [Adelbert A.] | [1953] | [B1898] [7:19] |
Brink [Kathryn] | [1974] | [B1905] [7:20] |
Brink Nancy [Campbell] | 1828 Nov 15 | D age 29/10, daughter of John & Sarah Campbell [13:14; John Campbell plot] |
Bronson Fay # | 1949 | B1881 [19:121] |
Brown Albert B. # | 1938 | B1886 [10:42] |
Brown Ernest H. | [1911] | [B1889] [stone partially buried; 9:58] |
Brown George L. # | 1928 | B1927 [20:96] |
Brown Harriet | 1841 Oct 10 | D age 9/10/8, daughter of Robert C. & Temperance Brown [8:93; R. C. Brown plot] |
Brown infant # | 1926 | B1926 [18:6] |
Brown Robert C. | 1850 Oct 11 | D age 43/11/11 [8:95; R. C. Brown plot] |
Brown Temperance | 1842 Oct 31 | D age 38/5/29 w of Robert C. Brown [8:94; R. C. Brown plot] |
Bruen Gabriel # | 1850 [Apr] | B1768 [born in N.J.] [8:96; Bruen plot] |
Bruen Hannah | 1834 Aug 26 | D age 39/5/15, daughter of Gabriel Bruen [adjacent to Mary Cooley; 5:97; Bruen plot] |
Bucher [William C.] | [1954] | [B1879] [stone partially buried; 19:125] |
Buel Elizabeth [Andrews] | 1837 Jul 13 | D age 38/4/28 [wife of David H. Buel & daughter of Joshua & Mary Lee Andrews] [16:43; Thomas Lee plot] |
Burg Michael # | 1934 | B1852 [15:107] |
Burleigh Leroy # | 1978 | B1903 [5:16] |
Burns Mary | 1851 Dec 23 | D age 56 [7:33] |
Burrill Bessie | [1867] | [B1867] [stone very worn; 1:92; Burrill plot] |
Burrill Julia R[obbins] | 1889 | B1840 [1:94; Burrill plot] |
Burrill T[ruman] N., Capt. | 1896 | B1825; Civil War: Co. A, 126th NY [1:93; Burrill plot] |
Burt Deborah Ann | 1846 Dec 4 | D age 21/8/27, daughter of Lewis & Rachel Burt [23:32; Burt plot] |
Burt Julia D. | 1851 Sep 10 | D age 23/3/10 wife of Ferris Burt [23:30; Burt plot] |
Butler James P. | 1911 | B1865 [13:109] |
Calhoun Ada J. | 1975 | B1931 [4:20] |
Campbell Harry Elmer # | 1934 Apr 10 | B1877 [2:18] |
Campbell Henry # | 1931 | B1859 [17:108] |
Campbell John | 1831 Aug 12 | D age 63/8/11 [13:10; John Campbell plot] |
Campbell Sarah | 1847 Mar 24 | D age 75 wife of John Campbell [13:12; John Campbell plot] |
Campbell Thomas H. | 1839 Aug 3 | D age 4/6/17, son of George & Lucy Campbell [13:17; John Campbell plot] |
Canfield Manley # | 1896 | B1824 [17:6] |
Canfield Ophelia Dougherty # | 1895 Jun 1 | B1843, wife of Manley Canfield & daughter of Robert & D. Huson Dougherty [17:5] |
Carey John V. # | 1935 | B1859 [5:52; adjacent to Sarah Carey] |
Carey Sarah M. # | 1937 | B1871 [5:53; adjacent to John Carey] |
Carey Shirley L. | 1932 | B1932 [21:117] |
Carley Lottie # | 1925 | B1888 [17:100] |
Carlsen infant # | 1933 | B1933 [21:114] |
Carl infant # | m | [21:125] |
Carpenter Charity | 1848 Sep 17 | D age 57/11/6 wife of James B. Carpenter [9:39; J. B. Carpenter plot] |
Carpenter James B. | 1850 Mar 3 | B1793 Jan 14 [9:38; J. B. Carpenter plot] |
Carpenter James T. | 1847 Aug 17 | D age 25/10, son of James B. & Charity Carpenter [9:40; J. B. Carpenter plot] |
Carpenter Phebe | 1840 Feb 25 | D age 63 [2:50] |
Carpenter William H. | 1867 Jul 25 | D age 43 [9:41; J. B. Carpenter plot] |
Carr David # | 1919 | B1846 [15:103; Carr plot] |
Carr Ford # | 1924 | B1923 [20:11] |
Carr Nellie Mae # | 1926 | B1888 [15:104; Carr plot] |
Carr Samuel # | 1928 | B1867 [15:105; Carr plot] |
Carroll Silas H. # | 1942 | B1942 [14:3] |
Caster Myrtle # | 1946 | B1900 [8:14] |
Casterline Abel T. | 1848 Apr 13 | D age 3/1/18, son of -- [stone very worn; 25:21] |
Castner Mary M[agdeline] [Wagener] | 1857 Nov 9 | D age 81/8/25, wife of Samuel Castner [& daughter of David & Rebecca Supplee Wagener] [14:54; Samuel Castner plot] |
Castner Samuel | 1839 Oct 16 | D age 67/5/16 [14:55; Samuel Castner plot] |
Catterson Emily Rosenbury | [1934] | B1840 [wife of William Catterson] [22:57; J. J. Rosenbury plot] |
Catterson William., Rev. | 1902 | B1842 [22:58; J. J. Rosenbury plot] |
Challis Joseph # | 1922 | B1922 [row 1] |
Champion George [A.] | 1979 | B1893 [17:133] |
Champion Lillian [I.] | 1974 | B1889 [wife of George Champion] [17:132] |
Champlin Franklin # | 1937 | B1937 [21:110] |
Champlin infant # | 1933 | B1933 [21:117F] |
Chapin Elizabeth | 1854 Jan 14 | D age 77/7 wife of Nathan Chapin, formerly of Philadelphia; "Our Mother" [14:53; Samuel Castner plot] |
Chapin Heber | 1853 Aug 5 | D age 21/9 son of William & Elizabeth H. Chapin [4:7; buried near two children, no dates] |
Chapman Gates A. | [1851] | [B1851] son of Chauncey & [Caroline A.] Chapman [very worn stone, adjacent to Marcus Chapman 15:37] |
Chapman Marcus S. | 1856 Nov 25 | D age 13, son of Chauncey & Pauline Chapman [15:38; adjacent to Gates Chapman] |
Chase Marvin Ray # | 1959 | B1884 [8:18] |
Chidsey Ambrose H. | 1845 Jan 26 | D age 30/6/1 [son of Augustus & Sarah Chidsey] [1:5; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Chidsey Anna M. | 1845 Jan 30 | D age 6/10/11, daughter of Franklin & Milly Chidsey [1:5; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Chidsey Augustus, Major | 1833 Oct 19 | D age 69/1/18 [7:57] |
Chidsey Joseph | 1855 Dec 27 | D age 48 [son of Augustus & Sarah Rathbun Chidsey] [1:4; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Chidsey Myra L[ewis] | 1845 Jan 4 | D age 27/5/14, wife of Ambrose H. Chidsey [1:6; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Chidsey Sarah [Bidlack] | 1851 Jun 14 | D age 77/5/26, wife of Augustus Chidsey [7:58] |
Chissom Helen J. | 1856 Mar 13 | D age 18, daughter of Robert & Louisa Chissom [12:63; Chissom plot] |
Chissom Louisa McCann # | 1879 | B1811, second wife of Robert Chissom [12:61; Chissom plot] |
Chissom Robert | [1850] | [B1802, son of Moses & Mary Baldwin Chissom] [broken stone; 12:62; Chissom plot] |
Christensen Albert L. | 1888 Apr 23 | B1883 May 15 [14:11] |
Christiansen Chris J. | 1934 | B1888; "Father" [7:72] |
Christoff baby | 1918 Jun 5 | [10:78] |
Clamford John | 1849 Sep 14 | D age 58 [14:48; M. F. Sheppard plot] |
Clamford Rebecca | 1846 Jul 7 | D age 63 [14:47; M. F. Sheppard plot] |
Clamford Susannah [Wagener] [Supplee] | 1817 Aug 31 | D age 67/7/24 [sister of David Wagener & wife of Peter Supplee; 2nd husband was John Clamford] [14:46] |
Clark Alida H. | 1850 Jun 7 | D age 3/11/23, daughter of Stephen & Catherine? Clark [16:20; Nehemiah Clark plot] |
Clark Amanda | 1930 | B1855 [10:31] |
Clark Charles | 1852 Jul 21 | D age 37/3/29 [21:97; adjacent to Phebe Clark] |
Clark George A. # | 1922 | B1919 [3:90] |
Clark Henry | 1842 Sep 29 | D age 70 [10:105] |
Clark John Henry | 1846 Jul 27 | D age 9/5/19 [8:37; Nehemiah Clark plot] |
Clark Nehemiah | 1811 May 29 | D age 26 [8:43; Nehemiah Clark plot] |
Clark Phebe [Tallmadge] | 1838 | B1785, wife of ---- & daughter of William & Eunice Tallmadge [21:96; adjacent to Charles Clark] |
Clark Stephen | 1849 Oct 26 | D age 56 [8:40; Nehemiah Clark plot] |
Clawson Harry [A.] | 1961 | B1896 [?:14] |
Clawson Jacob | 1842 Jan 18 | B1758 Jul 7, d age 83/6/21; Revolutionary War: 3rd NY Militia [23:36] |
Coats Sidney | 1848 May 19 | D age 37/11/19, son of Sanford & Jerusha [Miner] Coats [19:19] |
Cobb ---- # | m | [Sophia Cobb plot] |
Cobb Sophia # | 1914 | B1829 [9:97; Sophia Cobb plot] |
Cobb Stewart S. | 1886 Nov 26 | D age 68 [9:100] |
Cobb Virginia A. # | 1904 | B1831 [9:98; Sophia Cobb plot] |
Cochran infant # | 1947 | B1947 [17:129] |
Cochran infant # | 1947 | B1947 [8:1] |
Coher Jesse E. # | 1947 | B1883 [13:123] |
Cole Edwin # | 1939 | B1862 [9:15] |
Cole Harriet | 1829 May 30 | B1812 Feb 20, daughter of S[mith] M. [& Betsy Scofield] Cole [19:74] |
Cole Smith M. | 1864 Mar 8 | B1790 Jan 6 [son of Ezra Cole] [19:75] |
Cole Susan [Sheppard] | 1842 Jul 28 | D age 30/5/2, wife of Myron Cole & daughter of Morris & Rachel Sheppard [14:41; M. F. Sheppard plot] |
Coleman Jonathan | 1850 Feb 2 | D age 66/10 [14:105; Jonathan Coleman plot] |
Coleman Mary | [1847] | [B1779] wife of Jonathan Coleman [broken stone; Jonathan Coleman plot] |
Coleman Samuel T. | 1859 [Jan] | [B1813] [broken stone; 14:108; Jonathan Coleman plot] |
Collis Margaret | 1836 Jun 21 | D age 67 [5:61; Locke / Bassett plot] |
Compton Henry J. # | 1931 | B1931 [18:104] |
Comstock George C. | 1848 Jan 18 | D age 2/3/23, son of William & Mary Comstock [3:95; Comstock plot] |
Comstock Mary C. | 1846 May 29 | D age 9/1/7, daughter of William & Mary Comstock [3:94; Comstock plot] |
Comstock Mary Cooley # | 1865 | B1804 [wife of William Comstock] [3:96; Comstock plot] |
Comstock William # | 1879 | B1804 [3:97; Comstock plot] |
Conger Eliza M. | 1852 Feb 27 | D age 17/6/13, daughter of Jacob & Maria Conger [19:44] |
Conklin Barnet # | 1850 | B1843 [Herod Conklin plot] [8:19] |
Conklin Bennie # | 1851 | [Herod Conklin plot] [8:23] |
Conklin Catharine [Brazee] | 1843 Apr 24 | D age 62, wife of Jacob Conklin [5:34] |
Conklin Christiana A. Finger # | 1893 | B1865 [10:22] |
Conklin Emeline Anderson # | 1920 | B1834 [Herod Conklin plot] [8:22] |
Conklin George H. # | 1850 | B1849 [8:18; Herod Conklin plot] |
Conklin George H. # | 1851 | [8:24; Herod Conklin plot] |
[Conklin] Harriet | 1877 Dec 11 | D age 23/7 [8:20; Herod Conklin plot] |
Conklin Herod # | 1865 | B1832 [8:21; Herod Conklin plot] |
Conklin Jacob | 1853 Feb 1 | D age 81/9/13 [5:35] |
Conklin Julia # | 1966 | B1874 [4:1] |
[Conklin] William A. | [1850] | [B1849] son of --- [6:77; stone partially buried] |
Conklin William H. # | 1898 | B1851 [8:25; Herod Conklin plot] |
Connors Sidney M. Henries # | 1920 | B1877 [18:20; Henries plot] |
Cook Jesse | 1859 Jan 17 | D age 74/9/18 [7:54] |
Cook Susan T. | 1852 Apr 20 | D age 3, daughter of Jehiel S. & C. A. Cook [21:52] |
Coolbaugh Charlott [Stockin] | 1883 Apr 4 | D age 89, wife of Benjamin Coolbaugh [24:25] |
Cooley Mary | [1833] | D age 2 days [same grave as Mary Cooley; 5:98; adjacent to Hannah Bruen] |
Cooley Mary [Bruen] | 1833 Jun 8 | D age 29/7/29, wife of James Cooley [daughter of Gabriel Bruen] [5:98; same grave as infant Mary Cooley] |
Coons Daniel E. # | 1940 | B1869 [1:53] |
Coons Ellen M. # | 1937 | B1869 [wife of Daniel E. Coons] [1:52] |
Cooper John | 1855 Feb 12 | D age 55 |
Cordingly Velvy Rumsey | 1967 | B1904 [10:5; adjacent to Raymond Rumsey] |
Cornell Charles O. # | 1925 | B1873 [1:96] |
Cornell Elizabeth Middleton | 1888 | B1828, wife of George S. Cornell [6:46; Samuel Cornell plot] |
Cornell George S. | 1857 Jun 27 | D age 36/7 [6:47; Samuel Cornell plot] |
Cornell [John] B. | [1895] | [B1848]; Civil War: 1st NY Battery [6:45; Samuel Cornell plot] |
Cornell Myrtle | 1922 | B1892; "Mother" [16:28] |
Cornell Polly [Darrow] | 1871 Dec 9 | D age 94/4/2, wife of Samuel Cornell [6:49; Samuel Cornell plot] |
Cornell Samuel | 1848 Apr 18 | D age 67/9/23 [6:48; Samuel Cornell plot] |
Cornwell Hannah Finch | 1837 May 11 | D age 86 wife of William Cornwell [12:50; also recorded on monument in Purchase 2] |
Cornwell William [Sr.] | 1825 Jun 11 | B1750 Oct 17, died age 75; father of Dr. William Cornwell; Revolutionary War: ensign, Harper's NY Regiment [12:49; also recorded on monument in Purchase 2] |
Covert Julia [S.] | [1935] | B1860 [17:120] |
Cox Lila May # | 2001 | B1916 [2:111H] |
Craik Robert N. # | 1862 | B1826 [3:42] |
Crane Anna | 1864 Nov 22 | D age 77/9/12 [23:47; Niram Crane plot] |
Crane Cyprian G. | 1896 Dec 22 | D age 83/3 [23:46; Niram Crane plot] |
Crane Niram | 1845 Aug 9 | D age 61 [23:49; Niram Crane plot] |
Crane Ruby L. # | 1921 | B1921 [21:118] |
Craven William | 1837 Mar 21 | D age 47/2/16 [3:45; adjacent to Elizabeth Murdock] |
Cronin James # | 1937 | B1881 [2:11] |
Crouch Charles # | 1942 | B1859 [15:122] |
Culver Louise # | 1924 | B1924 [20:10] |
Cummings Jane # | 1921 | B1920 [5:83] |
Curry Charles # | 1933 | B1852 [16:3] |
Cushman Hannah Maria [Ryno] | 1846 May 4 | D age 20/7/22, wife of Joshua Cushman & daughter of Elijah S. & Catharine Ryno [10:86] |
D--- S--- J--- | m | [Footstone; 22:70] |
Dailey Eva Miss # | 1938 [Sep 16] | B1871 [20:50] |
Daines Ann E. | 1849 Jul 10 | D age 31/1/29, wife of F. B. Daines [3:54; Daines plot] |
Daines Edwin W. | 1847 Jun 1 | [B1845] son of F. B. & A. E. Daines [stone partially buried; 3:56; Daines plot] |
Daines Waldo F. | 1847 Jun | Died age 9 months, son of F. B. & A. E. Daines [3:55; Daines plot] |
Dann Dexter # | 1943 | B1863 [14:14] |
Dann Martha # | 1963 | B1870 [2:8] |
Davenport Carrie M. | 1952 | B1863 [wife of Lafayette Davenport] [row 14] |
Davenport Lafayette F. | 1933 | B1852 [14:32] |
Davidson Hannah | 1842 Jun 30 | Died age 73/2/11, wife of John Davidson [Davidson plot] |
Davidson John | 1848 Apr 16 | Died age 45/3/3 [2:92; Davidson plot] |
Davis Ann [Nichols] | 1854 Jun 21 | B1809 Feb 21, daughter of Jacob & Abby Nichols [1:67; Jacob Nichols plot] |
Davis Bessie Hamm # | 1910 | B1884 [7:81] |
Davis Charles F. # | 1920 | B1920 [7:55] |
Davis Daniel # | 1925 | B1849 [16:36] |
Davis Edward # | 1890 Aug 2 | Died age 33/8 in Penn Yan, son of George W. & Eliza Butler Davis |
Davis Emeline J. M. Stewart # | 1893 | B1818 [10:49; also recorded in Purchase 3:70; William B. Davis lot] |
Davis Harold # | 1944 | B1900 [12:55] |
Davis Harold Arthur # | 1940 | B1940 [17:136] |
Davis John # | 1899 Feb 17 | Died age 49 in Penn Yan, son of George W. & Eliza Davis |
Davis Matilda Parshall # | 1901 Oct 29 | Died age 53 in Penn Yan, daughter of Peter & Isabel Parshall & wife of John Davis |
Dean Johnie Roy # | 1954 | B1913 [7:3] |
Decker Emma [Jane] Evans | 1953 | B1878 [2:95] |
Degolier Joseph | 1827 [Mar 21] | Died age 46/15 days [9:1] |
Dennison Barbara # | 1982 | B1895 [1:6] |
Dennison Carl P. | 1951 | B1945 [14:71] |
Dennison Margaret Mary # | 1950 | B1950 [15:126F] |
Dennison Oliver George # | 1943 | B1876 [13:118] |
Depew Cornelia J. | 1840 Apr 23 | Died age 7/1/23, daughter of Hiram & Cornelia J. [Purdy] Depew [5:26] |
Detro Ruth Frances # | 1949 | B1949 [15:127F] |
Dewolf Roscious M. | 1842 | [B1835] [11:56; adjacent to Wm S. Dewolf] |
Dewolf William Sinclair | 1844 Feb 28 | [B1838] son of Alonzo E. M. Dewolf [11:57; adjacent to Roscious M. Dewolf] |
Dilks Nancy VanPelt | 1873 | B1792 [daughter of John VanPelt Sr.] [monument; 20:51; VanPelt plot] |
Dinwiddie Olive Ida | 1924 | "Our Baby" |
Dixon Albert Jr. # | 1943 | B1943 [14:5] |
Dixon infant # | 1941 | B1941 [16:5] |
Dobson Eva # | 1954 | B1887 [7:14] |
Dobson Howard # | 1953 | B1889 [12:53] |
Doe John # | 1959 Jul 21 | Unknown body dragged from lake [6:19] |
Dol[son] Elizabeth | [1843] | Died age 56/4/19, wife of Jonas Dolson [17:26] |
Dorman Aaron G[ilbert] | 1822 Mar 20 | Died age 40/5, son of Dr John & Sybil Dorman [14:68; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman Aaron G. | 1874 Oct 22 | Died age 47/4/18 [19:79; John Dorman Jr. plot] |
Dorman Charles # | 1905 | B1828 [14:63; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman Experience [Youngs] | 1875 Nov 22 | Died age 96, wife of Aaron G[ilbert] Dorman [& daughter of Isaiah & Mary Haggerty Youngs] [14:69; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman Joel | 1836 Mar 26 | B1786 Jul 4, died age 49/8/22; son of Dr. John & Sybil Dorman [14:65; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman John, [Dr.] | 1821 Sep 7 | B1762 Sep 3; Revolutionary War: 6th Co., 3rd Battalion, York Co., Penn., Militia [14:62; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman John [Jr.] | 1875 [Apr 2] | [B1806] [broken stone; 19:77; John Dorman Jr. plot] |
Dorman John L. | 1822 Apr 2 | Died age 1/3/26, son of Joel & Olivia Dorman [14:64; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman Lura # | 1862 | B1854 [19:80; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman Nancy | 1805 Dec 24 | Died age 15 [14:59; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman Olivia [Lawrence] | 1846 Jun 25 | Died age 54, wife of Joel Dorman [& daughter of John & Anna Lawrence] [14:66; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman Orilla [Briggs] | 1881 Oct 31 | Died age 73/11, wife of John Dorman [Jr. & daughter of Edward Briggs] [19:78; John Dorman Jr. plot] |
Dorman Peter | 1864 Jul 24 | Died age 45/2/4, son of Aaron & Experience Dorman [8:98; Sarah Dorman plot] |
Dorman Sally | 1805 Oct 20 | Died age 10/6 [14:60; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman Sarah | 1860 Feb 16 | Died age 46/7, daughter of Aaron G. & Experience Dorman [8:97; Sarah Dorman plot] |
Dorman Susan R. | 1838 Oct 7 | Died age 11/7/21, daughter of Joel & Olivia Dorman [14:67; John Dorman plot] |
Dorman Sybil | 1848 Sep 8 | Died age 24/11/26, daughter of Aaron & Experience Dorman [8:96; Sarah Dorman plot] |
Dorman Sybil [Gilbert] | 1840 Sep 20 | B1765, died age 75/10/24; wife of Dr. John Dorman [14:61; John Dorman plot] |
Dougherty Mary, Mrs. | 1849 Dec 29 | Died age 27 [wife of James Dougherty] [3:52] |
Douglass William B. | 1848 Aug 2 | Died age 18 days [11:61; stone very worn] |
Downs Michael P[atrick] | 1974 Aug 23 | B1973 Apr 15 [2:5F] |
Draper infant # | 1942 | B1942 [16:78F] |
Draper Ronald B. # | 1933 | B1933 [21:98] |
Dronne Emil # | 1952 | B1877 [14:26] |
Dubois Hannah # | 1885 Apr 10 | Died age 20/2/12 in Penn Yan, daughter of William & ---- Fredenburgh Dubois |
Dubois Susan # | 1938 | B1866 [20:57] |
Dubois William # | 1896 Jul 21 | Died age 56 in Penn Yan, son of Jacob & Mary Hobbie Dubois |
Dunn Caroline Stevens # | 1907 | B1823 [8:86] |
Dunn George H. # | 1962 | B1882 [4:1] |
Dupre Martha Ann | 1836 Apr 27 | Died age 28 [20:54] |
Durfey John # | 1864 | B1794 [17:29; Durfey plot] |
Durfey Mary E. # | 1910 | B1836 [17:30; Durfey plot] |
Durfey Sarah # | m | [17:28; Durfey plot] |
Durry Frank R. # | 1848 | B1844 [21:34] |
[Earnest?] ---- | m | [Illegible name on Earnest monument] |
Earnest Daniel | 1959 | B1883 [15:71; Earnest monument] |
Earnest Mary | 1943 | B1877, wife of Daniel Earnest [15:70; Earnest monument] |
Eaves Harry William # | 1939 | B1939 [17:121F] |
Eaves infant # | 1934 | B1934 [21:118F] |
Eckel Henry # | 1964 | B1884 [2:14] |
Eldred Marie # | 1941 | B1935 [15:122] |
Eldred William Alfred # | 1947 | B1947 [17:128] |
Ellis Bert | 1965 | B1897 [1:2] |
Ellis Brady Monroe # | 1953 | B1953 [17:104] |
Ellis Doris Ruby # | 1941 | B1941 [15:122] |
Ellis Jesse # | 1955 | B1955 [14:114] |
Ellis Margaret [Elizabeth] | 1972 | B1899 [wife of Bert Ellis] [1:1] |
Elwell Ella Elizabeth # | 1963 | B1963 [20:5] |
Elwell Sara Laura # | 1965 | B1965 [20:5] |
Embree Phoebe J. | 1914 | B1831 [row 4] |
Emmons A--- | 1813 Oct 13 | Died age 91 [same stone as Hannah Emmons] |
Emmons Hannah | 1813 Mar 13 | Died age 61 |
Ennis Sylvanus S. | 1872 May 20 | Died age 5/3/13, son of Silvanus & ---- Ennis [7:38] |
Ergott Donna Marie # | 1946 | B1946 [3:90] |
Erickson Mary # | 1925 | B1925 [16:25] |
Evans John Henry # | 1945 | B1888 [10:1] |
Evans Rufus | 1836 Sep 18 | Died age 4/10/1, son of Rufus & Phebe Evans [3:62] |
Everson Anne # | 1905 Apr 19 | Infant daughter of Nels & Mary Everson [14:23] |
F--- E--- J--- | m | [Two identical and adjacent footstones] |
F--- E--- J--- | m | [Two identical and adjacent footstones] |
Fairbank Hannah Stewart | 1842 Apr 27 | Died age 5/9/4, daughter of Hannah & John E. Fairbank & adopted daughter of Rev. Ira & Mercy Stewart [17:93; William Stewart plot] |
Farrar infant # | 1943 | B1943 [14:3F] |
Farrell Clarence M. # | 1918 | B1917 [7:68] |
Farrill William | 1891 Apr 28 | Died age 70/11 [12:31] |
Faulkner Floyd E. # | 1925 | B1897 [10:125] |
Fenno Jonas # | 1920 | B1835 |
Fenton Esther [Crosby] | 1848 Sep 9 | Died age 48/6/5, wife of Isaac R. Fenton [removed from Finton family cemetery, Barrington] [Finton lot] |
Fenton Margaret | 1825 May 8 | Died age 27/6/19, wife of Isaac R. Fenton [removed from Finton family cemetery, Barrington] [Finton lot] |
Ferris Mable # | 1956 | B1888 [21:21] |
Fingar George # | 1968 | B1876 [2:114] |
Finger Anna E. # | 1945 | B1864 [8:20; adjacent to Wm S. Finger] |
Finger Caroline [Fox] | 1891 Oct 16 | Died age 63, wife of E. J[ames] Finger [10:23] |
Finger E. James | 1897 | B1825 [10:24; adjacent to Caroline Fox Finger] |
Finger Helen M. Styles # | 1894 | B1871 [10:19; adjacent to Lillian Finger] |
Finger Lillian Griswold # | 1895 | B1876 [10:18; adjacent to Helen Finger] |
Finger William S. # | 1946 | B1878 [8:21; adjacent to Anna E. Finger] |
Fink Bennie | 1909 Sep 6 | B1906 Aug 31 [7:76; adjacent to Lottie Ervin Fink] |
Fink Lottie [Ervin] | 1918 Oct 24 | B1887 Dec 27 [7:75; adjacent to Bennie Fink] |
Finton Hester M. | 1846 Jun 23 | Died age 22/1/8, daughter of Joseph S. & Mary Finton [removed from Finton family cemetery] [Finton lot] |
Finton Joseph | 1851 | B1761, died age 91; Revolutionary War: 3rd Penn., Continental Line [broken stone] [removed from Finton family cemetery, Barrington] [Finton lot] |
Finton Margaret [Sweagles] | 1822 Mar 31 | Died age 59, wife of Joseph Finton [another stone in the Finton family cemetery, Barrington] [Finton lot] |
Finton Mary [Porter] | 1825 Jul 16 | Died age 24/6/6, wife of Joseph S. Finton [removed from Finton family cemetery, Barrington] [Finton lot] |
Finton Thankful [Gillett] | 1850 Mar 26 | Died age 76/11/21, wife of Joseph Finton [another stone in the Finton family cemetery, Barrington] [Finton lot] |
Fisher Joshua | 1857 Apr 23 | D age 85 [15:35] |
Fitch Pemelia | 1847 May 12 | [B1816], wife of M. E. Fitch [4:54; stone partially buried] |
Flynn Susan Elizabeth | 1961 Aug 23 | B1961 May 9, daughter of Robert & Thelma Flynn [2:52] |
Forshay Amanda | 1873 Feb 1 | Died age 58, wife of Simon Forshay [15:57; Forshay plot] |
Forshay John H. | 1839 Jul 11 | Died age 4/6/11 [15:56; Forshay plot] |
Forshay Simon # | 1888 | B1804 [15:58; Forshay plot] |
Foster ---- | m | Died age 6/6, daughter of Samuel Foster [13:8; same stone as Samuel Foster] |
Foster John # | 1929 | B1863 [13:109] |
Foster Samuel W. | 1831 Jul 24 | Died age 38 [13:9] |
Fox Fred [Judson] | 1944 | B1881 [13:24] |
Fox Lena [B.] | 1961 | B1887 [wife of Fred J. Fox] [13:123] |
Francisco Hannah [Wagar] | 1845 Nov 29 | Died age 83/8/11, wife of Michael Francisco |
Francisco Michael | 1848 Oct 23 | B1762 Jan 12, died age 86/9/11; Revolutionary War: Col. Gates NY Regiment |
Frank Charles # | 1942 | B1942 [16:29F] |
Fredenburgh Jacob | 1845 Mar 10 | Died age 32/6, son of John & Charity Fredenburgh [1:6; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Freeman Esther [Larzelere] | 1838 Feb 12 | Died age 71, wife of John Freeman [4:8] |
Freeman John [Sr.] | 1824 May 22 | Died age 59 [4:9] |
Freeman Renard # | 1955 | B1910 [5:82] |
French Edith M. | 1960 | B1881 [14:36] |
Frost Joseph | 1878 | B1792; War of 1812: NY, Capt. Gad Ackley's Co. |
Fulton Eliza # | m | B1828 [10:119] |
Fulton Joseph # | m | B1826 [11:10] |
G--- L--- # | m | [19:113] |
Gage Jennette E. # | 1935 | B1845 [1:62] |
Gallaher Frederick Orlando | 1848 Oct 18 | [B1845] son of James M. & Clarissa? Gallaher [18:96; stone very worn] |
Gardner Albert Joseph # | 1947 | B1946 [10:3F] |
Gardner George # | 1936 | B1846 [3:76] |
Gardner Lester | 1864 Oct 21 | B1847, died age 17/7; son of Abram & Anna Gardner [18:13] |
Gardner Mary # | 1935 | B1848 [wife of George Gardner] [3:75] |
Garner Charlotte # | m | [4:73; Garner plot] |
Garner Ferdinand G. | 1843 Feb 17 | Died age 13 months, son of Henry & Cha-- Garner [4:72; Garner plot] |
Garner Henry H. # | 1866 | B1815 [4:74; Garner plot] |
Garner Susan A. # | 1863 | B1848 [4:71; Garner plot] |
Gaton Silas M. # | 1850 May | Died age 3 months in Milo [mortality schedule] |
Gelder Ann | 1853 Apr 2 | Died age 2/10, daughter of John & Hannah Gelder [2:59] |
Gibbs Spader | 1857 Aug 19 | Died age 1/2/19, son of Joseph F. & Nancy Gibbs [removed from Finton family cemetery, Barrington] [Finton lot] |
Gibbs Susanna [Finton] | 1852 Dec 2 | Died age 48/8, wife of John Gibbs [& daughter of Joseph Finton] [removed from Finton family cemetery, Barrington] [Finton lot] |
Gilkerson Charles Robert # | 1931 | B1912 [18:7] |
Gill Robert # | 1928 | B1926 [21:127] |
Gillett Elizabeth A. | 1846 | B1844 daughter of ---- [11:33; stone worn, buried in tree] |
Gleason infant # | 1941 | B1941 [3:91F] |
Gleason Florence # | 1937 | B1936 [3:92] |
Gleason Harold A. # | 1935 | B1935 [3:91] |
Gleason Ruth Arlene # | 1946 | B1945 [3:90] |
Gleason Sylvia May # | 1967 | B1937 [3:92; Gleason plot] |
Goodenow Bertha Linker # | 1940 | B1894 [17:132] |
Gooding Abbie E. | 1894 | B1813 [15:63; Page / Gooding plot] |
Gooding Mary A. # | 1863 | B1803 [15:64; Page / Gooding plot] |
Gooding William C. # | 1861 | B1775 [15:65; Page / Gooding plot] |
Goodrich Almeron | 1851 Dec 25 | Died age 10 months 18 days, son of ---- [16:88; adjacent to Loyd Goodrich] |
Goodrich Loyd N. | 1854 Mar 27 | Died age 40 [16:86; adjacent to Almeron Goodrich] |
Gould Sophronia | 1830 Sep 25 | Died age 26 [17:22] |
Graham Catherine | 1854 Apr 7 | Died age 78 [15:55; Forshay plot] |
Graves Charles | [1898] | [B1830]; Civil War: Co. G, 5th NY Heavy Artillery [15:127] |
Graves Helen A. # | 1890 Oct 19 | Died age 6 months 21 days in Penn Yan, daughter of Hiram & Dora Graves. [village record] |
Graves Julia # | 1898 | B1831 [wife of Charles Graves] [15:128] |
Graves Julia # | 1896 Aug 23 | Died age 3 months in Penn Yan, daughter of Hiram B. & Dora Graves [village record] |
Gray infant # | 1951 | B1951 [8:23] |
Green Bobbie [Robert Eugene] | 1942 | B1931 |
Green infant # | 1937 | B1937 [20:21] |
Green Patricia # | 1938 | B1938 [17:121] |
Green Sarah [F.] [Miller] | 1841 Jan 6 | Died age 42/9/24, wife of ---- Green [21:60] |
Greene John M. | m | Died age 5 months, son of Sarah Greene [monument; 24:14; Spangler plot] |
Greene Sarah S[pangler] | 1850 Sep 30 | Died age 21 [wife of John R. Greene] [monument; 24:14; Spangler plot] |
Greenfield Helen B. # | 1969 | B1924 [4:13] |
Greening Eli D. # | 1909 | B1855 [10:104; Greening plot] |
Greening Eli L. | [1846] | [B1845] son of J. J. & R. Greening [stone very worn; 10:101; Greening plot] |
Greening Emily L. | [1850 Feb] | [B1850 Jan] daughter of J. J. & R. Greening [stone very worn; 10:100; Greening plot] |
Griffin Augusta | 1838 Sep 28 | B1833 Jan 10, daughter of William & Isabella Griffin [8:52; Griffin plot] |
Griffin Gary W. # | 1935 | B1935 [21:127H] |
Griffin Isabella | 1836 Dec 18 | Died age 28, wife of William Griffin [8:53; Griffin plot] |
Griffin Stephen Rice | 1839 Sep 27 | Died age 3/6, son of William & Isabella Griffin [8:51; Griffin plot] |
Griswold Charles C. # | 1898 May 25 | Died age 51/8 in Penn Yan, son of David & Hannah Griswold [village record] |
Griswold David | [1882] | [B1814]; Civil War: Co. B, 148th NY [3:38; Griswold plot] |
Griswold Hannah # | m | B1818 [3:37; Griswold plot] |
Griswold Lottie # | 1889 | B1884 [14:20] |
Griswold Mary C. # | 1854 | B1848 [3:36; Griswold plot] |
Groesback Albert # | 1954 | B1873 [7:16] |
Groom Jennie Lela | 1949 | B1936, daughter of J. E. & L. M. Groom [9:54; adjacent to John Groom] |
Groom John E. | 1972 | B1902 [9:52; adjacent to Jennie Groom] |
Groom John E. Jr. # | 2003 | B1934 [9:52H] |
Groom Lela M. # | 1999 | B1903 [9:52] |
Guild John H. | [1834] | [B1833] son of John & Miriam Guild [row 1; stone partially buried] |
Hacker Sandra Lee # | 1947 | B1947 [row 17] |
Hacker Viola # | 1992 | B1920 [14:7F] |
Hackett Elizabeth # | 1940 | B1911 [21:39] |
Haight Abigail | 1861 Sep 3 | Died age 72/5/10, wife of Joseph Haight [5:68; John Haight plot] |
Haight Frances A. | 1875 Jan 2 | Died age 30, daughter of Isaac & Lydia Haight [5:66; John Haight plot] |
Haight James # | 1845 Jul 1 | Died age 11 months, son of A. & M. Haight [23:16] |
Haight John | 1834 Oct 3 | Died age 46 [5:69; John Haight plot] |
Haight Joseph | 1836 Jan 11 | Died age 49/9/17 [5:67; John Haight plot] |
Haight Martha M. | 1832 Mar 11 | Died age 13, daughter of John & Sarah Haight [5:71; John Haight plot] |
[Haight] Myron | [1845 Sep 1] | [B1840] son of A. & M. Haight [23:17] |
Haight Rosalinda | 1852 Sep 23 | B1816 Apr 10, daughter of John & Sarah Haight [5:72; John Haight plot] |
Haight Sarah | 1856 May 19 | Died age 66, wife of John Haight [5:70; John Haight plot] |
Hall Anson A. | 1854 Aug 22 | Died age 21, drowned while bathing [8:64] |
Hall Daniel [Walter] | 1956 | [B1951] [11:8; same grave as Randy Hall] |
Hall Hannah [Coons] | [1908] | [B1831] wife of W. M. Hall [1:104] |
Hall John # | 1948 | B1868 [18:9] |
Hall Randy [Dale] | 1959 | [B1959] [11:8H; same grave as Daniel Hall] |
Hall Ray | 1942 | B1892 [15:124] |
Hall Sudora Louise # | 1949 | B1949 [20:13] |
Hall W. M. | 1890 Apr 25 | B1830 Jul 9 [1:103] |
Hamilton Daniel | 1835 Jan 8 | Died age 11/4/24, son of Abraham G. Hamilton [6:74] |
Hamilton Frank W. # | 1950 | B1873 [19:126] |
Hamilton Hannah | 1843 Jun 29 | [B1756] wife of Alexander Hamilton [2:68; stone partially buried] |
Hamm Carrie F[rances] | 1956 | B1899 [wife of Tewalt Hamm] [19:63] |
Hamm Charles M. # | 1926 | B1881 [2:21; adjacent to Sarah C. Hamm] |
Hamm Mary # | 1925 | B1925 [21:115] |
Hamm Mary # | 1923 | B1923 [21:116] |
Hamm Sarah C. # | 1922 | B1856 [2:22; adjacent to Chas M. Hamm] |
Hamm Tewalt | 1938 | B1883 [19:62] |
Hand Mary E. # | 1837 | B1836 [10:75] |
Hanford Sarah E. # | 1825 | B1825 [15:65; adjacent to Wm Hanford] |
Hanford William | 1826 Nov 14 | Died age 4 days, son of Uriah & Mary Wagener Hanford [15:66] |
Hansen Edith # | 1941 | B1941 [17: 128H] |
Hansen Helen B. # | 1926 | B1926 [21:118F] |
Harrison Arena A. Ballard | 1879 Apr 25 | B1802 Jan 29 in Bradford Co., Penn., wife of Thomas Harrison [17:118; Harrison plot] |
Harrison Ida May # | 1935 | B1859 [1:56] |
Harrison infant # | 1902 Jun 30 | Died in Penn Yan, child of Emmett & Ellen Harrison; grandchild of Thomas F. Harrison |
Harrison Sarah Ann | 1893 Dec 7 | Died age 77, wife of Thomas J. Harrison [17:116; Harrison plot] |
Harrison Thomas J. | 1893 Dec 1 | Died age 87 [17:117; Harrison plot] |
Hartshorn Mary E. | 1852 Nov 21 | Died age 7 months and 7 days, daughter of I. W. & S. A. Hartshorn [6:67; adjacent to Sarah Hartshorn] |
Hartshorn Sarah E. Beers # | 1853 | B1827, wife of Isaac W. Hartshorn & daughter of Ashbel Beers [6:68] |
Hatcher Hazel D. # | 1964 | B1902 [2:112] |
Hatcher Howard # | 1935 | B1935 [21:127F] |
Hatcher Rose # | 1926 | B1926 [20:20F] |
Havens Ezra B. # | 1913 | B1835 [19:116; adjacent to Frederick Havens] |
Havens Frederick A. | 1869 May 20 | B1868 Jun 4 [19:115; adjacent to Ezra Havens] |
Hawley Harriet J. [Reddy] | 1857 May 16 | Died age 30/4/16 at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; wife of Rev. S. Hawley & daughter of Leander Reddy Esq. [18:71; Reddy plot] |
Hawley Malinda E. | 1848 | B1817, wife of Rev. S. Hawley & daughter of ---- [18:72; Reddy plot] |
Heaton Elmer E. | 1910 | B1861, son of Phoebe Embree [row 4; same stone] |
Heminway Antoinette M. | 1845 Mar 17 | Died age 19/6/7, daughter of Newel & Eliza Heminway [24:21] |
Henderson Theodore | 1978 Jun 11 | B1904 Jul 14 [4:22] |
Henricks Abraham M. # | 1941 | B1849 [16:80] |
Henries Aaron Edward # | 1889 Dec 1 | Died age 1/1 in Penn Yan, son of James Albert & Nancy M. Carr Henries [village record] |
Henries Daniel H. # | 1909 | B1884 [18:22; Henries plot] |
Henries Earl F. # | 1912 | B1902 [18:17; Henries plot] |
Henries Eva S. # | 1918 | B1902 [18:15; Henries plot] |
Henries Ida [May] Butler | 1938 May 24 | B1873 Feb 21 [13:108; Henries plot] |
Henries infant # | 1896 Mar 21 | Died age 4 days in Penn Yan, child of James & Nannie Carr Henries [village record] |
Henries infant # | 1896 Mar 28 | Died age 12 days, child of James & Nannie Carr Henries |
Henries James A. # | 1913 | B1874 [18:16; Henries plot] |
Henries John Johnson # | 1943 | B1869 [13:11; adjacent to Wm Frederick Henries] |
Henries Johnson # | 1923 | B1900 [18:18; Henries plot] |
Henries Mary A. # | 1930 | B1929 [19:104] |
Henries Nancy Carr # | 1898 Feb 9 | Died age 25 in Penn Yan, wife of James Henries & daughter of A. & Mary Bassett Carr [village record] |
Henries Sophia J. Bailey # | 1919 | B1849 [18:23; Henries plot] |
Henries William Frederick # | 1941 | B1883 [13:109; adjacent to John Johnson Henries] |
Herrick Marilla Hill | 1874 Mar 22 | B1795 Feb 11 [14:116; adjacent to David Hill] |
Hewson Alida Caroline | 1850 Mar 6 | Died age 40, daughter of George & Ann Hewson [8:35; Nehemiah Clark plot] |
Hewson Ann | 1853 Sep 10 | Died age 82, wife of George Hewson [8:34; Nehemiah Clark plot] |
Hewson Fisher W. | 1851 Mar 5 | Died age 50/11/5 [11:43; also another stone in Purchase 1] |
Hicks Anna # | 1975 | B1906 |
Hill David | 1834 Jan 22 | B1778 Feb 4; War of 1812: sgt., 157th NY Militia [14:117] |
Hill Frances V. | 1995 | B1917 [wife of Larue C. Hill] [7:22] |
Hill George H. # | 1932 | B1907 [8:29] |
Hill John # | 1932 | B1866 [16:35] |
Hill Larue | 1954 | B1914 [7:21] |
Hilligass Cornelia | 1848 Mar 15 | Died age 59/11, wife of Frederick Hilligass [12:94] |
Hilligass Henry McGuin | 1844 Dec 21 | Died age 2/7, son of Jane Hilligass [2:105; adjacent to J. F. Hilligass] |
Hilligass J. F. # | m | [2:106; Adjacent to Henry Hilligass] |
Hiltibidal George [Sr.] | 1809 Jun 21 | Died age 43 [13:76; Hiltibidal plot] |
Hiltibidal George 2nd | 1819 Apr 6 | Died age 3 months and 9 days, 2nd son of Peter Hiltibidal [13:74; Hiltibidal plot] |
Hiltibidal Mary [Yocum] | 1863 Aug 9 | Died age 92/5, wife of George Hiltibidal [Sr.] [13:75; Hiltibidal plot] |
Hoard Amanda | 1847 Jul 27 | [B1845] daughter of Lorenzo & Lucy Hoard [9:34; stone very worn] |
Hodgson John C. # | 1959 | B1887 [6:18] |
Holliday Elizabeth | 1850 May 11 | Died age 61/8/23, wife of Thomas Holliday; born in ---thorp, Yorkshire, England [1:59] |
Hood infant | 1847 May 2 | Son of Jacob & Sarah Hood [22:35] |
Hood Jacob # | m | B1822 [13:1] |
Hood Sarah A. Norcott # | 1905 | B1831 [wife of Jacob Hood] [13:2] |
Hoose Charles Robert | 1949 | B1946 [16:85] |
Hopkins Adelia K. | 1852 Dec 18 | Died age 20, daughter of E. G. & A. K. Hopkins [19:38] |
Hopkins Asa # | 1873 | B1801 [row 1; adjacent to Diadama Hopkins] |
Hopkins Diadama E. Babcock # | 1860 | B1819 [row 1; adjacent to Asa Hopkins] |
Hopkins Floyd S. # | 1955 | B1894 [5:82] |
Hopkins George W. # | 1965 | B1897 [2:112] |
Hopkins Herbert # | 1971 | B1903 [2:113] |
Hopkins Jessie # | 1981 | B1905 [2:123] |
Hopkins John P. # | 1959 | B1876 [7:29] |
Horan Henry # | 1963 | B1884 [2:9] |
Horton Fred # | 1944 | B1871 [13:122] |
Houghtaling Elizabeth O. | 1956 | B1875 [3:53] |
Hoyt Amanda F. Agar | 1908 [Apr 25] | B1828 [died age 83 in Penn Yan, daughter of John Agar & 3rd wife of Benjamin L. Hoyt] [5:78; Hoyt monument] |
Hoyt Angeline Lyon | 1845 | B1826 [1st wife of Benjamin L. Hoyt] [5:75; Hoyt monument] |
Hoyt Anna B. | 1843 | B1780 [5:79; Hoyt monument] |
Hoyt Benjamin L. | 1910 | B1818 [5:76; Hoyt monument] |
Hoyt Celestia U. Mariner | 1860 Feb 28 | B1830 [2nd wife of Benjamin L. Hoyt] [5:77; Hoyt monument] |
Hoyt Henry [H.] | 1863 | B1844 [5:74; Hoyt monument] |
Hubbard Abigail Harriet | 1833 Jun 15 | Died age 26/2/17, wife of Salmon Hubbard [13:95] |
Hubbard D[elos] C. | [1907] | [B1841]; Civil War: Co. I, 33rd NY [10:123] |
Hubbard Hattie B. # | 1913 | B1887 [11:8; H. A. Hubbard plot] |
Hubbard Horace A. # | 1928 | B1872 [11:7; H. A. Hubbard plot] |
Hubbard Margaret # | 1887 Sep 11 | Died age 64 in Penn Yan, daughter of Horace & Elizabeth Hubbard [village record] |
Hubbard Marion G. # | 1926 | B1854 [10:118] |
Hubbard Mary E. # | 1938 | B1849 [10:117] |
Hubbard William J. # | 1914 | B1885 [11:9; H. A. Hubbard plot] |
Huffner Herman Henry # | 1947 | B1947 [20:2F] |
Hughes Mary # | 1857 | B1829 [21:104] |
Hullegard Hans # | 1942 | B1860 [15:129] |
Hunt Ethel Ann # | 1939 | B1939 [17:125] |
Hunt Kate # | 1946 | B1881 [12:57] |
Hunt Nancy L. # | 1871 | B1854 [4:12] |
Hunt Sophia J. # | 1917 | B1916 [18:21] |
Hunter Benjamin # | 1943 | [7:51] |
Hynes Flossie V. | [1891] | [B1889] died age 17 months [13:107] |
Jacobs Charles F[rederick Sr.] | 1944 | B1874 [10:7] |
Jacobs Sarah [Lorraine] M[ae] | 1945 | B1875 [wife of Charles F. Jacobs] [10:6] |
James Elizabeth A. # | 1938 | B1878 [1:54] |
James Frank # | 1952 | B1869 [10:12] |
Jankowski Stephen # | 1927 | B1883 [20:3] |
Jensen Anna L. # | 1944 | B1885 [16:2] |
Jensen Carl A. | 1965 | B1877 [15:119] |
Jensen Christian C. | 1884 Dec 1 | Died age 21 [wife of Peder Jensen] [15:118] |
Jensen Dorothy E. | 1950 | B1923 [12:61] |
Jensen Edward # | 1921 | B1921 [3:89] |
Jensen [Emma] Christine | 1943 | B1876, wife of Carl A. Jensen [16:3] |
Jensen infant # | 1949 | B1949 [20:15F] |
Jensen Jens R. # | 1943 | B1864 [16:4] |
Jensen Johanna C. # | 1943 | B1876 [19:32] |
Jensen John M. | 1944 | B1866 [10:3] |
Jensen Peder | 1884 Oct 2 | Died age 31 [15:117] |
Jewitt Abigail P. | 1840 Sep 1 | Died age 25, wife of C. B. Jewitt [9:47] |
Jillett Elizabeth # | 1858 | B1768, wife of Jeremiah Jillett Sr. [22:41; Jillett plot] |
Jillett Jeremiah # | 1845 | B1763 [22:40; Jillett plot] |
Jillett Jeremiah Jr. # | 1841 | B1796 [22:39; Jillett plot] |
Jillett Julia A. K. # | 1843 | B1806 [22:38; Jillett plot] |
Johnson Charles # | 1932 | B1883 [13:29] |
Johnson Charles S. # | 1943 | B1855 [16:31] |
Johnson Cora M. Clark | 1927 | B1899 [row 16] |
Johnson Mary T[odd] | 1920 | B1826 [8:67; adjacent to Wm H. Johnson] |
Johnson Robert # | 1954 | B1911 [7:1] |
Johnson Rufus # | 1962 | B1900 [4:1] |
Johnson William H. # | 1915 | B1849 [8:68; adjacent to Mary Todd Johnson] |
Johnston John E. # | 1965 | B1898 [4:5] |
Jones Abram E. # | 1944 | B1870 [10:5] |
Jones Elizabeth A. # | 1938 | B1878 [row 21] |
Jones Elvira Frost # | 1904 Aug 17 | Died age 57 in Penn Yan, wife of George Jones & daughter of J. Frost [village record] |
Jones George W. # | 1903 Dec 13 | Died age 57 in Penn Yan [village record] |
K[eeler?] W--- # | m | [19:114] |
Keeler Elizabeth [Hess] | 1834 Jan 9 | Died age 45/23 days, wife of Joseph Keeler & daughter of David Hess |
Kennedy Martene Joan # | 1935 | B1935 [21:108H] |
Kent Alice # | 1940 | B1862 [17:136] |
Ketchum Harry # | 1945 | B1885 [10:9] |
Kidder Anna Raplee # | 1917 | B1836 [6:61] |
Kilbury Arlo # | 1941 | B1941 [20:5] |
King [Eliza] | [1834] Jan 20 | [B1823, daughter of ---- &] Elizabeth King [4:5] |
Kinney Amanda A. | 1859 Jan 27 | [B1795] [broken stone; 2:28; Kinney plot] |
K[inney] G[eorge] B. | [1851] | [B1805] [broken headstone, and footstone with initials; 2:27; Kinney plot] |
[Kinney Margaret A.] | [1861] | [B1813] [broken stone; 2:26; Kinney plot] |
Kinney Sarah H. | 1854 Oct 23 | [B1809] [stone partially buried; 2:23; Kinney plot] |
Kinyoun Leroy # | 1968 | B1887 [4:8] |
Kittredge Ann T. | 1852 Aug 13 | B1812 Jun 21, wife of Rila Kittredge [5:73; John Haight plot] |
Kleckner Richard [H.] Sr. | 1970 | B1916 [2:115] |
Knapp Clarence | 1970 | B1900 [4:10] |
Koehler Alvin A. | 19[75] | B1875 [21:66] |
Koehler Evelyn | 1943 | B1880 [wife of Alvin Koehler] [21:67] |
Koon James Melvin | 1846 --- 2 | [B1844] son of S. A. & ---- Koon [5:87; stone very worn] |
Kosch Steve # | 1971 | B1891 [also recorded in purchase 3, GAR lot:9] |
Kritzer Emma # | 1935 | B1859 [1:61] |
Lafler David Leroy # | 1948 | B1948 [16:25] |
Lafler Henry H. # | 1979 May 11 | B1898 [also recorded in purchase 4, section E, 508:6] |
Lake Ida # | 1950 | B1871 [16:20] |
Lake James # | 1941 | B1873 [21:70] |
Lambert Byron W. # | 1941 | B1896 [13:114] |
Lambert Frank W. # | 1963 | B1899 [1:107] |
Lamont Ellen # | 1898 Sep 22 | Died age 22 in Penn Yan, daughter of John & Eliza Lamont [8:9; Lamont lot] |
Lamont John # | 1911 Feb 9 | Died age 79/5 days in Penn Yan; born in Scotland [8:7; Lamont lot] |
Lamont Lizzie # | 1895 | B1878 [8:11] |
Lamont Lizzie # | 1917 | B1837 [8:6; Lamont lot] |
Lamont Robert # | 1900 | B1875 [8:8; Lamont lot] |
Lamont William John # | 1897 | B1880 [8:10; Lamont lot] |
Lamphier Harvey # | 1942 | B1876 [17:117] |
Landon Elizabeth [Beach] | 1870 Mar 26 | Died age 81/9, wife of Joshua Landon [2:81; Landon monument] |
Landon John | 1848 Feb 26 | Died age 21/5 in Millport, son of Joshua & Elizabeth Landon; "My Brother" [2:82; Landon monument] |
Landon Joshua | 1846 Apr 23 | Died age 56; "My Father" [2:80; Landon monument] |
Landon Mary Jane | 1905 Feb 8 | Died age 76/6 [2:83; Landon monument] |
Lang Laura J. | 1861 Dec 7 | [B1855] daughter of Mason & Eveline Lang [12:112; stone partially buried] |
Lapard Grover [H.] # | 1931 | B1899 [18:4] |
Lape Phoebe R. Shiples # | 1904 | B1856 [3:84] |
Laporte Paul Alonzo # | 1947 | B1947 [17:127] |
Larsen Alice # | 1939 | B1894 [1:77] |
Larson Hazel M. # | 1970 | B1914 [4:17] |
Larzelere Susan A. Coates Wyman # | 1905 | B1817, daughter of Sanford Coates & wife of Alanson Wyman & 2nd wife of Henry Larzelere [15:30] |
Lashure George # | 1941 | B1941 [16:5F] |
Latchey Clara # | 1926 | B1845 [16:34] |
Lathrop Albert # | 1904 | B1844 [8:3; Lathrop plot] |
Lathrop Hannah R. McGloughlin # | 1904 | B1826 [wife of Joseph Lathrop] [8:4; Lathrop plot] |
Lathrop Jacob # | 1922 | B1847 [8:1; Lathrop plot] |
[Leach] James C. | [1846] | [B1846] [9:35; very worn; adjacent to James R. Leach] |
Leach James R. | 1831 --- -- | [Died age 7 months] son of Amos & Louisa Leach [9:36; very worn; adjacent to James C. Leach] |
Ledestich George F. | 1979 | B1906 [2:118] |
Lee David B. # | 1879 Nov 15 | Died age 87 in Detroit, Michigan |
Lee James | 1868 Sep 21 | Died age 89 [16:41; James Lee monument; Thomas Lee plot] |
Lee Rachel [Wagener] [Seeley] | 1832 Feb 22 | Died age 42/5 [daughter of David & Rebecca Wagener & wife of Jonas Seeley &] wife of Sherman Lee [16:45; Thomas Lee plot] |
Lee Sarah Smith | 1858 Jan 11 | Died age 73/6, wife of James Lee [& daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Allen Smith] [16:42; James Lee monument; Thomas Lee plot] |
Lee Sherman | 1830 Feb 2 | B1785 Oct 2, died age 44/4; War of 1812: Major, 2nd Regiment, NY Militia [son of Thomas Sr. & Waity Sherman Lee] [16:46; Thomas Lee plot] |
Lee Thomas | 1814 Jan 22 | Died age 75; Revolutionary War: Captain, 8th Co., 5th NY infantry [son of Nathaniel Lee] [16:49; Thomas Lee plot] |
Lee Waty Sherman | 1833 Oct 11 | Died age 90, wife of Thomas Lee [16:48; Thomas Lee plot] |
Legg Aaron L. | 1835 Aug 29 | Died age 26/10/23, son of Carlton Legg [13:90; Legg / Vorce plot] |
Legg Ann Elizabeth | 1849 May 10 | Died age 27/8/10, daughter of Emory & Elizabeth Legg [11:85; adjacent to Elizabeth Legg] |
Legg Carlton | 1854 Mar 11 | Died age 72/3/17 [13:88; Legg / Vorce plot] |
Legg Charles N. | 1854 Jan 6 | Died age 2 months and 4 days, son of Carlton & L--is Legg [13:83; Legg / Vorce plot; also recorded on monument in Purchase 2] |
Legg Elizabeth [Rawalt] | 1868 Nov 19 | Died age 77, wife of Emory Legg [11:84; adjacent to Ann Legg] |
Legg Emory # | m | B1789 [11:86; Legg / Vorce plot] |
Legg George # | 1922 | [4:21] |
Legg Polly | 1852 Dec 8 | Died age 69/7/15, wife of C. Legg [13:87; Legg / Vorce plot] |
Legg Rachel [Plympton] | 1823 Aug 28 | Died age 39/1/13, wife of Carlton Legg [& daughter of John & Rhoda Adams Plympton] [13:89; Legg / Vorce plot] |
Leonard Benjamin # | 1920 | B1861 [row not given: 23; adjacent to Berryman Leonard] |
Leonard Berryman # | 1920 | B1863 [row not given: 22; adjacent to Benjamin Leonard] |
Lewis Elisha | 1843 May 16 | Died age 72/4 [1:8; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Lewis Elizabeth | 1876 Mar 30 | Died age 79/11/15, wife of George Lewis [1:10; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Lewis George | 1839 Apr 20 | Died age 45/5/3 [1:9; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Lewis Ida # | 1966 | B1874 [4:3] |
Lewis Jennie E. Densmore # | 1912 | B1837 [1:3; adjacent to Miles Lewis] |
Lewis Joseph # | 1957 | [7:4] |
Lewis Marietta # | 1850 | B1831 [23:62] |
Lewis Miles W. | 1885 Jan 11 | Died age 69, son of Elisha & Sally Lewis [1:2; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Lewis Nancy R. | 1848 Aug 26 | Died age 22/9/13, daughter of George & Elizabeth Lewis [1:11; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Lewis Sally | 1851 Sep 3 | Died age 76/5/16, wife of Elisha Lewis [1:7; Chidsey / Lewis plot] |
Locke Cornelia | [1845] | B1802 Oct 20, wife of Thomas H. Locke [stone partially buried; 5:63; Locke / Bassett plot] |
Locke Eleanor [Bassett] | 1874 Mar 3 | Died age 78, wife of Henry M. Locke & daughter of Rev. Dr. & Anna Bassett [5:58; Locke / Bassett plot] |
Locke Henry M. | 1836 Apr 20 | Died age 37 [5:59; Locke / Bassett plot] |
Locke Margaret | 1837 Jun 5 | Died age 35, wife of Frederick Locke of New York City [5:62; Locke / Bassett plot] |
Lockwood Amos B. | 1840 Nov 10 | Died age 8 months, son of William & Mary Lockwood [21:16] |
Lombaugh Charles # | 1963 | B1881 [row not given:7] |
Long Ray # | 1921 | B1921 [3:85] |
Loper Barbara M. C. # | 1944 | B1913 [13:128] |
Lowrey Catherine M. | 1846 Sep 24 | Died age 18/10/--, daughter of George & Margaret Lowrey [19:99; Lowrey monument] |
Lowrey David [J.] | 1859 Feb 9 | Died age 22, son of George & Esther Lowrey [19:94; monument; Lowrey plot] |
Lowrey Esther | 1860 Dec 24 | Died age 50, wife of George Lowrey [19:95; monument; Lowrey plot] |
Lowrey George | 1839 Nov 1 | Died age 39 [19:96; monument; Lowrey plot] |
Lowrey Margaret | 1830 May 28 | Died age 23/2, wife of George Lowrey [19:97; monument; Lowrey plot] |
Lyn Harriet | 1850 Jan 13 | Died age 39/9, daughter of William & Christine Lyn [1:45] |
M--- L--- J--- # | m | [1:46] |
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